02 December 2020, 1 pm

Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of food production in the world. In the past five years, the production of farmed seafood for human consumption has exceeded the total catch of fisheries and the upward trend shows no signs of slowing down. With this enormous growth in production capacity, ecological and socio-economical issues kept emerging, severely impairing the public image of the industry. In our session, we aim to shed light on the pending questions regarding sustainability in aquaculture. How do we minimize the environmental impact of farming systems? What are the waste products of fish farming and how can we further utilize them? How do we measure and improve fish welfare? And what concepts and technologies will enable us to make farming systems more sustainable and productive at the same time?

Hosted by

Speakers and Abstracts

Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture in the Context of International Development Cooperation – Insights from Myanmar

Nuri Max Steinmann1*

1Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn, Germany

*corresponding author: ed.zi1741777008g@nna1741777008mniet1741777008s.iru1741777008n1741777008

Keywords: South-East Asia; Rural Development; GIZ; Food Security; Livelihoods

The Myanmar Sustainable Aquaculture Programme (MYSAP) works to intensify aquaculture in a sustainable way. MYSAP is funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is jointly implemented by the Myanmar Department of Fisheries and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The programme works with all members of selected aquaculture value chains, including governmental and non-governmental organizations, the private sector, academia and other stakeholders in efforts to improve the livelihoods of medium and small-scale farmers and other actors along the value chain, as well as food security and nutrition in the country. The presentation aims to give an overview into development cooperation work in the context of sustainable aquaculture, but also to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of working in development cooperation in the field.

Turning “waste” into resources – costs and benefits of circular economy principles for European aquaculture

Cornelia Kreiss1* ,Giulia Micallef2, Hallstein Baarset3

1Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven, Germany

2Gildeskål Forskningsstasjon AS, Inndyr, Norway

3Waister AS, Sem, Norway

*corresponding author: ed.ne1741777008neuht1741777008@ssie1741777008rk.ai1741777008lenro1741777008c1741777008

Keywords: Aquaculture; Circular Economy; Cost-benefit analysis; Novel feeds; Mort valorisation

The aquaculture sector in the EU is stagnating in growth in contrast to the increasing sector size at world level that includes the growing production in e.g. Norway or the Asian region. In addition, there are signs that the EU sector is struggling to expand. Pressure from imports as well as social pressure due to actual and perceived environmental impacts could be related hindering factors. In order to improve the competitiveness and social sustainability of European aquaculture it is necessary to create added value through quality and promotional activities. The H2020 project Green Aquaculture Intensification (GAIN) develops and validates innovative production tools based on the principles of circular economy in order to facilitate the paradigm shift of eco-intensification in European aquaculture. These include improved feed design towards environmental sustainability and innovative approaches to re-use and valorise by-products and side-streams of aquaculture production. Such changes in production practices and investment, may impact several productivity parameters such as growth, survival, and FCR, as well as capital investment, labour input or energy demand, all of which affect costs. Conversely, eco-efficient production and valorisation of by-products may open up new value chains and marketing opportunities. Here, we present the results of cost-benefit analyses for novel feeds and the valorisation of dead fish occurring during production in order to draw some initial conclusions for the aquaculture sector and consumers.

Watertuun – Building up the first aquaponic farm in Bremen

Enno Fricke1*

1Watertuun, Bremen, Germany

*corresponding author: ed.iw1741777008a@ekc1741777008irf.o1741777008nne1741777008

Keywords: Aquaponics; Start-up; Environmental education; Economic aspects

The young start-up “Watertuun” launched in 2018 by winning a local crowd funding campaign in Bremen. The name Watertuun is “Plattdeutsch” and translates into water garden, which refers to growing fish and plants together in one system: aquaponics. The general idea is to produce fish and edible plants directly in the city and also create a platform for environmental education, innovative ideas and exchange. Aquaponics is considered to be a very sustainable and environmentally friendly form of aquaculture. Water is efficiently used, nutrients are recycled and wastewater is minimized. Aquaponic systems can nicely demonstrate natural nutrient flows and can thus create awareness for general issues in current food production, climate change and global resource limitations. The story of how Watertuun has developed from a simple idea into a water garden with a small recirculating aquaculture system and a 115 square meter glass greenhouse will be presented.


Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)- the future of sustainable aquaculture, but with challenge of its own

Deni Ribičić1*, Roman Netzer1, Stine Wiborg Dahle1

1SINTEF Ocean AS, Trondheim, Norway

*corresponding author: on.fe1741777008tnis@1741777008cicib1741777008ir.in1741777008ed1741777008

Keywords: RAS; Aquaculture; Water quality; Microbial communities; Machine learning and BigData

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RASs) are closed land-based facilities for intensive fish farming, designed to minimize environmental impact and increase control of production-relevant factors such as biological and chemical water quality, fish pathogens, feeding regimes and fish health. However, modern RASs are highly complex aquatic environments and up to date, a lack of reliable data on individual parameters, interactions and impact on productivity and fish welfare, still prevents the technology from exploiting its full potential for sustainable aquaculture operations. In a recently finished MonMic project we have focused on monitoring microbial community dynamics in five different salmon RAS facilities in Norway, by using cutting-edge molecular tools. Microbial communities in RAS are the key factor to biological and chemical water quality, as their functions and interactions are the main drivers of it. At present, strategies used for detection of microorganisms in RAS are mainly still limited to the classical low-coverage or semi-quantitative methods, and this reveals an immense knowledge gap on microbiota compositions and dynamics in such complex systems. In another upcoming ERA-NET BlueBio project, DIGIRAS, our goal is to extend the scope of what we have done in MonMic, and to develop innovative and data-driven solutions for digitalization of future RAS technology in order to increase environmental compatibility, fish health and productivity. The project intends to reach this goal by systematic acquisition of relevant water quality data, parameterization of fish behaviour, developing new biological and chemical sensors and efficient water treatment technology. In addition to Atlantic salmon in Norway, several RASs across Europe cultivating other species that are of market interest will be evaluated (seabream, seabass, arctic charr and yellowtail kingfish). Here, we strive to integrate all generated data towards decision support and predictive tools for next generation digital RAS operation.

Fish Welfare in Aquaculture- How stress can affect the fish performance

Jessica Petereit1*

1Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

*corresponding author: ed.iw1741777008a@tie1741777008retep1741777008.acis1741777008sej1741777008

Keywords: Sustainability; Aquaculture; Stressphysiology; Fish; Welfare

The impact of aquaculture practices on the welfare of farmed fish has received increased attention from consumers. The awareness among the general public and the scientific community enhances therefore the importance of understanding the physiological basis of stress response, which is considered the main practice for determining the welfare status. In addition, can a improving fish welfare lead to more productivity of the aquaculture facility, which is important for the economic success of the industry. In order to determine the effects of long and short-term stress reactions, disturbances must be measured at the physiological level. Stress reactions are highly individual, and different stressors can cause non-specific reactions in fish that prevent the fish from regaining the homeostatic state. In addition, the perception of the stressor depends on several different factors, such as resilience, early life experiences or epigenetics of each individual. Physiological responses are grouped into primary, secondary and tertiary responses. This presentation focuses on the measurement and interpretation of primary responses, including endocrine changes. These endocrine changes can be seen in blood parameters and can therefore influence the secondary response including metabolism, growth performances, respiratory and immune functions.



Erik Sulanke

Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture in the Context of International Development Cooperation – Insights from Myanmar

Nuri Max Steinmann 1*

The Myanmar Sustainable Aquaculture Programme (MYSAP) works to intensify aquaculture in a sustainable way. MYSAP is funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is jointly implemented by the Myanmar Department of Fisheries and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The programme works with all members of selected aquaculture value chains, including governmental and non-governmental organizations, the private sector, academia and other stakeholders in efforts to improve the livelihoods of medium and small-scale farmers and other actors along the value chain, as well as food security and nutrition in the country. The presentation aims to give an overview into development cooperation work in the context of sustainable aquaculture, but also to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of working in development cooperation in the field.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn, Germany

*corresponding author: ed.zi1741777008g@nna1741777008mniet1741777008s.iru1741777008n1741777008

Keywords: South-East Asia; Rural Development; GIZ; Food Security; Livelihoods

Turning “waste” into resources – costs and benefits of circular economy principles for European aquaculture

Cornelia Kreiss 1*

The aquaculture sector in the EU is stagnating in growth in contrast to the increasing sector size at world level that includes the growing production in e.g. Norway or the Asian region. In addition, there are signs that the EU sector is struggling to expand. Pressure from imports as well as social pressure due to actual and perceived environmental impacts could be related hindering factors. In order to improve the competitiveness and social sustainability of European aquaculture it is necessary to create added value through quality and promotional activities. The H2020 project Green Aquaculture Intensification (GAIN) develops and validates innovative production tools based on the principles of circular economy in order to facilitate the paradigm shift of eco-intensification in European aquaculture. These include improved feed design towards environmental sustainability and innovative approaches to re-use and valorise by-products and side-streams of aquaculture production. Such changes in production practices and investment, may impact several productivity parameters such as growth, survival, and FCR, as well as capital investment, labour input or energy demand, all of which affect costs. Conversely, eco-efficient production and valorisation of by-products may open up new value chains and marketing opportunities. Here, we present the results of cost-benefit analyses for novel feeds and the valorisation of dead fish occurring during production in order to draw some initial conclusions for the aquaculture sector and consumers.


Cornelia Kreiss1* ,Giulia Micallef2, Hallstein Baarset3

1Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven, Germany
2Gildeskål Forskningsstasjon AS, Inndyr, Norway
3Waister AS, Sem, Norway

*corresponding author: ed.ne1741777008neuht1741777008@ssie1741777008rk.ai1741777008lenro1741777008c1741777008

Keywords: Aquaculture; Circular Economy; Cost-benefit analysis; Novel feeds; Mort valorisation

Watertuun – Building up the first aquaponic farm in Bremen

Enno Fricke 1*

The young start-up “Watertuun” launched in 2018 by winning a local crowd funding campaign in Bremen. The name Watertuun is “Plattdeutsch” and translates into water garden, which refers to growing fish and plants together in one system: aquaponics. The general idea is to produce fish and edible plants directly in the city and also create a platform for environmental education, innovative ideas and exchange. Aquaponics is considered to be a very sustainable and environmentally friendly form of aquaculture. Water is efficiently used, nutrients are recycled and wastewater is minimized. Aquaponic systems can nicely demonstrate natural nutrient flows and can thus create awareness for general issues in current food production, climate change and global resource limitations. The story of how Watertuun has developed from a simple idea into a water garden with a small recirculating aquaculture system and a 115 square meter glass greenhouse will be presented.


1Watertuun, Bremen, Germany

*corresponding author: ed.iw1741777008a@ekc1741777008irf.o1741777008nne1741777008

Keywords: Aquaponics; Start-up; Environmental education; Economic aspects

Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)- the future of sustainable aquaculture, but with challenge of its own

Deni Ribičić 1*

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RASs) are closed land-based facilities for intensive fish farming, designed to minimize environmental impact and increase control of production-relevant factors such as biological and chemical water quality, fish pathogens, feeding regimes and fish health. However, modern RASs are highly complex aquatic environments and up to date, a lack of reliable data on individual parameters, interactions and impact on productivity and fish welfare, still prevents the technology from exploiting its full potential for sustainable aquaculture operations. In a recently finished MonMic project we have focused on monitoring microbial community dynamics in five different salmon RAS facilities in Norway, by using cutting-edge molecular tools. Microbial communities in RAS are the key factor to biological and chemical water quality, as their functions and interactions are the main drivers of it. At present, strategies used for detection of microorganisms in RAS are mainly still limited to the classical low-coverage or semi-quantitative methods, and this reveals an immense knowledge gap on microbiota compositions and dynamics in such complex systems. In another upcoming ERA-NET BlueBio project, DIGIRAS, our goal is to extend the scope of what we have done in MonMic, and to develop innovative and data-driven solutions for digitalization of future RAS technology in order to increase environmental compatibility, fish health and productivity. The project intends to reach this goal by systematic acquisition of relevant water quality data, parameterization of fish behaviour, developing new biological and chemical sensors and efficient water treatment technology. In addition to Atlantic salmon in Norway, several RASs across Europe cultivating other species that are of market interest will be evaluated (seabream, seabass, arctic charr and yellowtail kingfish). Here, we strive to integrate all generated data towards decision support and predictive tools for next generation digital RAS operation.


Deni Ribičić1*, Roman Netzer1, Stine Wiborg Dahle1

1SINTEF Ocean AS, Trondheim, Norway

*corresponding author: on.fe1741777008tnis@1741777008cicib1741777008ir.in1741777008ed1741777008

Keywords: RAS; Aquaculture; Water quality; Microbial communities; Machine learning and BigData

Fish Welfare in Aquaculture- How stress can affect the fish performance

Jessica Petereit 1*

The impact of aquaculture practices on the welfare of farmed fish has received increased attention from consumers. The awareness among the general public and the scientific community enhances therefore the importance of understanding the physiological basis of stress response, which is considered the main practice for determining the welfare status. In addition, can a improving fish welfare lead to more productivity of the aquaculture facility, which is important for the economic success of the industry. In order to determine the effects of long and short-term stress reactions, disturbances must be measured at the physiological level. Stress reactions are highly individual, and different stressors can cause non-specific reactions in fish that prevent the fish from regaining the homeostatic state. In addition, the perception of the stressor depends on several different factors, such as resilience, early life experiences or epigenetics of each individual. Physiological responses are grouped into primary, secondary and tertiary responses. This presentation focuses on the measurement and interpretation of primary responses, including endocrine changes. These endocrine changes can be seen in blood parameters and can therefore influence the secondary response including metabolism, growth performances, respiratory and immune functions.


1Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

*corresponding author: ed.iw1741777008a@tie1741777008retep1741777008.acis1741777008sej1741777008

Keywords: Sustainability; Aquaculture; Stressphysiology; Fish; Welfare