
For the second year in a row, ICYMARE had to be realised in a virtual format as our private and professional life-styles remained in the firm grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on last year’s online conference experience and the contribution of a highly motivated international team, we gladly staged a successful interdisciplinary networking event.

The ICYMARE 2021 Online Conference welcomed a total of 511 participants from 62 countries during four days of 20 virtual scientific sessions, eight workshops, and various social events.

As a starter, the ICEBREAKER PubQuiz had more than 30 participants manoeuvring through technological challenges and forty tricky questions. Following up on this brainteaser, session hosts, presenters and attendees exchanged on sustainable harvesting of seafood (Session 11), the holobiont concept (Session 8), organismal responses to global changes (Session 5), as well as on mixotrophy (Session 7). Tim Kiessling, marine scientist from Kiel, gave a small project talk interlude on the citizen science project Plastic Pirates – schoolchildren investigate plastic pollution of rivers, before 28 early career researchers presented their work in poster format. A session on the impacts of climate change on human marine activities (Session 2) concluded the first day of ICYMARE 2021.

The second conference day started with an extensive session on interdisciplinary approaches for sustainable coastal and ocean management (Session 1), which was followed by the second social event: Science Speed Dating – where participants met in switchable pairs every 10 minutes, exchanging experiences and building further partnerships. Afterwards, researchers from Bachelor to PostDoc level presented their studies on tropical marine ecosystems in the Anthropocene (Session 13), marine data science (Session 3) as well as on the distribution, degradation, and impact of plastic pollution (Session 18).

Day #3 began icy, with a session on change in polar regions (Session 15). Subsequently, early career scientists talked about isotope analysis (Session 16) and other fields of research in the open session (Session 20). The afternoon was packed with workshops covering essential topics for researchers of all professional levels such as science communication, tips and tricks for publishing, or creating scientific graphics and visualisations. During another social event, members of the ICYMARE family shared their own Stories on becoming a scientist and demonstrated that the path to ‘success’ rarely is a straight one. The concluding session of the third day took a closer look at marine invertebrate conservation (Session 9).

The final day of ICYMARE 2021 also had a full agenda: starting off muddy, with a session on coastal wetlands (Session 12), followed by a multitude of talks in the open session (Session 20). During another project talk, marine environmental scientist Svea Vollstedt presented the programme for the worldwide implementation of identical experiments across geographical and climatic boundaries: GAME – Global approach by modular experiments. In the afternoon, the conference showcased its interdisciplinarity with sessions on marine engineering (Session 19) and ocean literacy (Session 4).

Before all participants said goodbye to each other, hit the road again and travelled back home – well, more precisely, closed all open tabs and shut down their computer, the successful third edition of ICYMARE was concluded in a cosy, virtual fireside lounge, with a talk given by Prof. Kristy Deiner. She invited the participants to reflect on the paths we can take and leading with intention.

We are thankful for all who joined and participated in this Online Conference, making it a welcoming event full of fascinating presentations of various marine-related scientific projects, social interaction, and useful workshops. Our thanks are extended to the financial and technical support received, to all session hosts and presenters for their professionalism and willingness to share their research, to all volunteers for their tireless commitment in organising ICYMARE 2021 and finding smart solutions to overcome any challenge associated with a conference during a pandemic.

We are happily looking forward to seeing you – hopefully in person again – next year in Bremerhaven, at ICYMARE 2022 BREMERHAVEN (13 – 16 September 2022)! Stay healthy and tuned,

Your ICYMARE Family

ICYMARE 2021 Program

08:45 - 10:15          ICEBREAKER

Join the ICYMARE Pub-Quiz an get to know the other participants while puzzling over marine fun facts!

>>  Icebreaker room  <<

10:15 - 10:45          OPENING CEREMONY

The official start of the ICYMARE 2021

>>    <<

10:45 - 11:45          SESSION 11

Sustainable harvesting of seafood – How to explore, predict and evaluate the future of marine food production
hosted by Erik Sulanke & Sandra Rybicki

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

11:45 - 12:00          SESSION 8

From physiology to ecology: what the holobiont concept can teach us about marine organisms and ecosystems
hosted by Chloé Stévenne & Maud Micha

>>  Session Room Green  <<

12:00 - 12:30          LUNCH BREAK

12:30 - 14:45          SESSION 5

Stressed out lives: organismal bottom-up responses to global changes
hosted by Lénia da Fonseca Alexandre Rato & Inês Filipa Cigarro Morão

>>  Session Room Yellow  <<

14:45 - 15:30          SESSION 7

Exceptions make the rule: insights from mixotrophy
hosted by Konstantinos Anestis & Joost Mansour

>>  Session Room Blue <<

15:45 - 16:00          COFFEE BREAK

16:15 - 17:15          POSTER SESSION

Get in touch with awesome early career researcher and discuss latest marine science

>>  Poster Session Rooms <<

16:00 - 16:15          PROJECT TALK

Plastic Pirates - schoolchildren investigate plastic pollution of rivers
Tim Kiessling

>>  Session Room Red <<

17:15 - 18:15          SESSION 2

The impacts of climate change over human marine activities and their management
hosted by Antonella de Cian, Dieu Anh Dinh & Pedro Manuel Carrasco De La Cruz

>>  Session Room Green <<

09:00 - 10:30          SESSION 1 (Part 1)

Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Coastal and Ocean Management
hosted by Lena Rölfer, Clara Klöcker, Arianna Liconti & Natalie Prinz

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

10:30 - 10:45          COFFEE BREAK

10:45 - 11:45          SESSION 1 (Part 2)

Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Coastal and Ocean Management
hosted by Lena Rölfer, Clara Klöcker, Arianna Liconti & Natalie Prinz

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

12:00 - 12:30          LUNCH BREAK

12:30 - 13:30          SCIENCE SPEED DATING

Try out the fastest way to find a new research partner and speed up your science!

13:30 - 15:00          SESSION 13

Tropical Marine Ecosystems in the Anthropocene
hosted by Xochitl Elias & Michael Kriegl

>>  Session Room Green  <<

15:00 - 15:45          SESSION 3

Marine data science
hosted by Carola Trahms & Maria-Theresia Verwega

>>  Session Room Yellow  <<

15:45 - 16:00          COFFEE BREAK

16:00 - 18:00          SESSION 18

(Micro)Plastic: environmental distribution, degradation and impact
hosted by Špela Korez & Lukas Miksch

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

08:30 - 10:30          SESSION 15 (Part 1)

Change in Polar Regions - Same same, but different?
hosted by Patricia Kaiser & Simon Jungblut

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

10:30 - 10:45          COFFEE BREAK

10:45 - 11:30          SESSION 15 (Part 2)

Change in Polar Regions - Same same, but different?
hosted by Patricia Kaiser & Simon Jungblut

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

11:30 - 12:00          SESSION 16

In a stable relationship: Isotope analysis and marine science
hosted by Lara Stuthmann & Paula Senff

>>  Session Room Green  <<

12:00 - 12:30          LUNCH BREAK

12:30 - 15:30          ICYMARE WORKSHOPS

Join one of our awesome workshops for free!

  • Tips and tricks for publishing your research — MEPS’ perspective (starts at 13:30!)
  • From your research abstract to a comic: I cannot draw, but sketch my science!
  • Best practice ideas and advice for your Social Media channels
  • Overcoming obstacles to knowledge co-production for early-career marine researchers
  • Qualitative analysis of interviews
  • Challenges in Coastal Urban Planning: Sustainability Studies on Urban Environmental Management for Coastal Cities and Towns
  • Boosting the impact of your science through effective communication: Learning how to be heard by media, policy makers and stakeholders
  • Create scientific graphics and visualisations with inkscape

Below you can find detailed descriptions of all workshops.


>>  Workshop Rooms  <<

15:45 - 16:00          COFFEE BREAK

16:00 - 17:00          STORIES

Share the story of your journey becoming a scientist with the ICYMARE family

>>  Session Room Green  <<

17:00 - 18:15          SESSION 9

Often overlooked: Understanding and meeting the current challenges of marine invertebrate conservation
hosted by Emily Chen

>>  Session Room Yellow  <<

08:45 - 09:45          SESSION 12

Coastal Wetlands – Muddy is the new trendy
hosted by Charles Cadier & Naima Iram

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

09:45 - 10:30          SESSION 20 (Part 1)

Open Session
hosted by Lea Kappas, Louisa Karl & Hanna Taieb Ezzraimi

>>  Session Room Green  <<

10:30 - 10:45          COFFEE BREAK

10:45 - 11:45          SESSION 20 (Part 2)

Open Session
hosted by Lea Kappas, Louisa Karl & Hanna Taieb Ezzraimi

>>  Session Room Green  <<

12:00 - 12:30          LUNCH BREAK

12:30 - 12:45          PROJECT TALK

GAME – Global approach by modular experiments
Svea Vollstedt

For more information, please check out and


>>  Session Room Red  <<

12:45 - 13:00          SESSION 20 (Part 3)

Open Session
hosted by Lea Kappas, Louisa Karl & Hanna Taieb Ezzraimi

>>  Session Room Green  <<

13:00 - 13:45          SESSION 19

Marine Engineering
hosted by Jan Boelmann

>>  Session Room Yellow  <<

13:45 - 15:00          SESSION 4

Ocean Literacy: linking marine science to education to promote action
hosted by Julieta Vigliano Relva & Janire Salazar

>>  Session Room Blue  <<

15:00 - 15:15          COFFEE BREAK

15:15 - 16:30          FIRESIDE TALK

Reflections on paths we can take and leading with intention
with Prof. Dr. Kristy Deiner

16:30 - 17:00          FAREWELL

The official end of the ICYMARE 2021

17:00 - Open End        OPEN FIRESIDE CHAT

Let this event fade away with drink and have a chat with the awesome early career researcher


ICYMARE 2021 Sessions

Session hosts: Lena Rölfer1,2, Clara Antonia Klöcker3, Arianna Liconti4,5, Natalie Prinz

Pressures on marine ecosystems are mounting globally, with severe consequences for ecosystems and their associated services. At the same time, the increase in activities in coastal and ocean areas is inevitable. Covering multifaceted and partly poorly understood ecosystems, oblivious to any anthropogenic frontiers, comprehensive regulation and management, up to this day, has proven very difficult. However, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of a sustainable relationship between society and ocean resources. To tackle the challenges posed by the often-conflicting interests between economic activities and ocean conservation, there is an urgent need for integrated approaches. We therefore invite presenters from multiple disciplines including ecology, oceanography, international law, social and political sciences to contribute to our session.


1Faculty of Sustainability, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
2Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG), Hamburg, Germany
3Institute of Environmental Engineering (IfU), Eidgenössisch Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland
4The Marine Biological Association, The Laboratory, Plymouth, United Kingdom
5Worldrise ONLUS, Milano, Italy
6School of Science, University of Waikato, Tauranga, New Zealand

Session host: Antonella de Cian1,2, Dieu Anh Dinh3,4, Pedro Manuel Carrasco De La Cruz5,6

The upcoming release of the Sixth IPCC Report in 2022 will shed new light on the progress science has made in understanding the effects of climate change over marine ecosystems. However, how severe will marine natural capital be affected, and how will climate change impact the future managing cost of our ecosystems? To answer these questions, a mixed approach between natural, and social sciences, is required. So, if you have researched about climate change effects over marine ecosystems, their social and economic consequences, and/or the upcoming challenges marine management will face, this session is for you!


1Instituto Patagónico del Mar (IPaM), Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
2Laboratorio de Oceanografía Biológica (LOBio), Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
3CIMA, FCT-Gambelas Campus, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
4NF-POGO Centre of Excellence, Alfred Weneger Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Helgoland, Germany
5Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity, Oldenburg, Germany
6Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

Session hosts: Carola Trahms1,2, Dilip Hiremath1, Maria-Theresia Verwega2,3

Marine sciences face technological progress leading to bigger data sets that become increasingly challenging to be analyzed. We collect samples, count indicators, observe patterns and draw conclusions. We handle huge and diverse data and learn from very sparse. Hence, applying Software Engineering and Data management principles is fundamental for our research. For our session, we are searching for your personal experience in collecting, processing, analyzing or interpreting marine data. Building on your contribution, our session shall create a broad insight into the necessity and diversity of data science in marine sciences leading to hints at best practices in this.


1GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
2Helmholtz Association’s MarDATA graduate school, University of Kiel, Germany
3Department of Computer Science, University of Kiel, Germany


Session host: Julieta Vigliano Relva1 & Janire Salazar2

Does your research relate with Ocean Literacy or outreach activities? Then we need you in the conversation! Developing science that is solution driven, inclusive and socially relevant is at the center of the Ocean Science Decade goals (2021-2030). By bringing scientists, educators and citizenship together, Ocean Literacy has become one of the key pillars to achieve this aim. This session seeks to bring together those doing research in marine education and outreach to reflect and find best practices in Ocean Literacy.


1Marine Biology Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium
2Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM), CSIC, Barcelona, Spain


Session hosts: Inês Morão1,2 & Lénia Rato2,3,4

Global changes prompted by anthropogenic activities – including climate change, pollution, and bioinvasions – are crucial research topics due to their detrimental impacts in the different coastal and marine ecosystems. This special session invites ICYMARE 2021 BERLIN participants to present their findings addressing the effects of global changes on marine organisms. Mechanisms of stress and further damage will be preferred, specifically responses at lower levels of biological organization such as the less studied molecular and biochemical markers.


1Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal
2Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
3Coimbra University, Portugal
4Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) Texel, Netherlands

Session host: Sabrina N. Wilms1,2

Fantastic microbes and where to find them: we invite researchers using the latest -omic technologies to assess the microbial biodiversity of our oceans to present their results. Understanding how marine microbes function and relate to each other has been a primary goal of taxonomists, ecologists and evolutionary biologists for centuries. Therein, high-throughput sequencing technologies have become an everyday research tool to resolve these various questions. But regardless of the increasing availability of sequencing data, deciphering the code of life remains a challenge. Therefore, emphasize your individual approaches to access the wide range of eco-evolutionary ‘omics of marine species to elucidate life.


1Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
2University of Bremen, Germany

Session host: Konstantinos Anestis1,2 & Joost Mansour3

We are what we eat. This phrase can also apply to many marine organisms, which can often eat besides performing photosynthesis or they can even use other organisms for their own benefit. Darwin had already questioned the plant and animal dichotomy, now it is clear that mixotrophy is a critical factor when it comes to understanding ecosystem functioning. Increased attention on mixotrophy now show that mixotrophy might be the rule rather than the exception. If you study mixotrophy and try to unveil the mysteries of trophic interactions of marine organisms, we welcome you to apply for this session and share the news with other young scientists.


1Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
2University of Bremen, Germany
3Sorbonne University, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France

Session hosts: Chloé Stévenne1, Maud Micha1

In the last twenty years, a new and revolutionary concept has made its way to research: the holobiont. From coral reefs to the deep-sea, symbiotic relationships and host-microbiome interactions are omnipresent and central to the health of marine ecosystems. The development of modern technologies such as ‘-omics’ approaches and imaging constitute exciting opportunities to unveil the complex mechanisms supporting these relationships. This session aims to learn from the diversity of holobiont studies. Are you working on a holobiont model? On the microbiome? On symbiosis? From physiology to ecology topics, we are looking forward to hearing from you!


1University of Liège, Belgium

Session host: Emily Chen1

Marine invertebrates are key players in the global oceans that provide important ecosystem services, so this session topic encompasses all the different research regarding the study of invertebrates. We welcome abstracts of studies conducted on marine invertebrates in every field, from genetics to biophysical interactions to biomedical research. Submissions should focus on the diverse roles that marine invertebrates play and the effects they face from environmental stressors. We hope to receive submissions on a range of original research topics that will ultimately contribute to the ongoing conversation of the importance of invertebrates in marine ecosystems around the world.


1Marine Biology Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium

Session host: María del Carmen Blanco Fernández1

Is your research related to seafood traceability? We invite you to submit your abstract for our session. The correct assessment of fish catches for a development of sustainable fisheries raises great concerns. It will not be achieved without taking into account and minimizing Illegal, Unreported Unregulated (IUU) catches. This is a great opportunity to discuss with other researchers working on the same topic. We encourage applications from anyone who wants to contribute tackling pertinent topics, like detection of mislabeling, management, prevention of IUUs, assessment of mislabeling or its sustainable and social implications.


1University of Oviedo, Spain

Session hosts: Erik Sulanke1, Sandra Rybicki2

Seafood production remains a significant human activity in the marine realm and is a vital source of income and protein for millions. Yet, human use as well as climate change are continuously altering the oceans. Those changes will also affect the economic conditions for seafood production. In order to adapt, new strategies need to be developed and implemented, a process for which marine sciences are crucial. All marine researchers developing models, evaluating or implementing management strategies, or using innovative research approaches are encouraged to join our session. We aim to balance method presentation and strategic discussions.


1Thuenen-Institute for Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven, Germany
2Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland

Session hosts: Charles Cadier1, Naima Iram1

Coastal wetlands are important resources for communities relying on marine environment. They are a buffer zone between oceans and terrestrial ecosystems, supplying unique ecological functions such as carbon sequestration and nitrogen removal. The provisioning and cultural services delivered contributes to the socioeconomics of coastal populations. While mangrove, saltmarsh and seagrass are valued as one of the most precious ecosystems in the world, they are also the most endangered with a global cover loss estimated around 25-50% over the past 50-100 years. We welcome in this session any studies related to coastal wetlands to improve our knowledge on these important ecosystems.


1Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

Session hosts: Xochitl Elias1,2 & Michael Kriegl1,3

Tropical coastal ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass meadows and mangrove forests provide the resources and ecosystem services upon which humans vitally depend. These ecosystems, however, are under threat due to the increasing pressure caused by anthropogenic impacts like overfishing, pollution and climate change. In this session, we invite contributions from natural and social sciences that advance our knowledge on the challenges that these valuable ecosystems face. We are interested in studies presenting solutions for their sustainable management in harmony with societal needs and particularly invite you to use innovative methods to present your research.


1Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany
2Future Oceans Lab, Vigo, Spain
3Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Rostock, Germany

Session hosts: Charlotte Haugk1,2 & Olga Ogneva1

Rapid climate warming is shown to be amplified in Arctic regions. Permafrost thaws and provides discharge of terrigenous material into the Arctic Ocean. This material is transformed in the near-shore zone, which functioning is poorly understood in spite of its huge role in the biogeochemical cycle. Our intention is to look at the land to ocean interface of organic matter, nutrient and contaminant transport into the Arctic Ocean via the Nearshore zone in the permafrost region. What are the sources, pathways and further fate of discharged terrigenous material? What is the potential impact on biological and physical processes in open waters?


1Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Periglacial Research Unit Potsdam and Bremerhaven, Germany
2University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany

Session hosts: Patricia Kaiser1 & Simon Jungblut2,3

Both polar regions are frequently in the focus of public interest. Likewise, scientific observations and research in those regions are crucial due to their vulnerability to changing environmental conditions. While both polar systems are affected by climate change, the extend and fashion of such impacts may vary significantly between the regions, making comprehensive conclusions difficult. This session aims to feature and integrate research from both poles and calls for contributions in ecology, oceanography, glaciology, climatology, social sciences and all other polar-related fields.


1Marine Zoology, BreMarE – Bremen Marine Ecology, University of Bremen, Germany
2Marine Botany, BreMarE – Bremen Marine Ecology, University of Bremen, Germany
3Association of Marine Sciences, Bremen Society for Natural Sciences NWV, Bremen, Germany

Session hosts: Lara Stuthmann1,2 & Paula Senff1,2

Nature has given us a gift in that some elements come in a heavy and a lighter form and paying attention to this difference can help us reveal invisible or hidden processes. Stable isotope analysis has almost endless possible applications in marine science: from nutrient uptake of sea grass over tracking sponge mucus to constructing food webs for whole ecosystems. We want to hear how you apply this technique in your research! If mixing model or isotope labelling, anything is welcome – and if you MUST work with radioisotopes, that’s fine too!


1Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany
2University of Bremen, Germany

Session host: Sara Todorovic1,2 & Marie Harbott1,2 

The modern increase in atmospheric CO2 driven by fossil fuel combustion and land-use change is changing our oceans. Long term records are necessary for understanding the dynamics of natural and anthropogenically induced variability in oceans. Instrumental and satellite records of environmental variables date back only a few decades. To go back further, climate reconstructions are essential. This session aims to present environmental and palaeoclimatological marine archives prolonging the instrumental records, such as: foraminifera, corals, sclerosponges, and bivalves but also tree rings. Contributions might also include calibrations and limits of proxies, or new methods to show the possibilities of environmental indicators.


1Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany
2University of Bremen, Germany

Session hosts: Špela Korez1 & Lukas Miksch1

Scientists, policy makers and the general public worldwide share the attention of the (micro)plastics invading the aquatic and non-aquatic realms. There is a broad spectrum of research interest and foci of (micro)plastics ranging from the environmental distribution analysis and determination of polymer biodegradation, to various exposure experiments testing the bioavailability and consequential effects of (micro)plastics in the organisms following ingestion. Are you trying to the fill in the knowledge gaps or uncertainties of (micro)plastic pollution or the interaction with marine biota? We kindly encourage you to share your innovative ideas, improved methodologies, and novel results with fellow young researchers.


1Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

Session host: Jan Boelmann1,2

The use of technology in the marine science is inevitable and spans all fields of research. From the obvious use of technology in the marine energy sector or special measuring technologies to measure the ice thickness to the use of cameras to track particles in the water column. Furthermore, the usage and development of technology is a major part of the marine research. This Session invites young researchers, engineers or undergraduate students to share their work as a part of the interdisciplinary field of marine engineering. However, they used special equipment or developed new devices or methods to explore the marine sector.


1Marine Technologies, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven, Germany
2Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany


Session hosts: Lea Kappas1, Louisa Karl2, Hanna Taieb Ezzraimi2

Marine Sciences are a vast and diverse field of research with a lot of different topics to be covered. No conference is able to represent all topics with a separate session. The Open Session aims to summarize contributions of young marine scientists from all research fields which do not feel to fit into one of the other sessions.


1University of Bremen, Germany
2University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven, Germany

ICYMARE 2021 Workshops

Workshop hosts: Dennis Karcher1, E. Zoe Walker2, Lena Rölfer3, Thanne Walawwe Gedera Fathima Mafazia Nijamdeen4, Michael Kriegl5, Maraja Riechers6, Xochitl Edua Elias Ilosvay7

The vitality of humanity depends on functioning coastal and marine social-ecological systems. Improving the translation of scientific knowledge into tangible action is necessary to achieve more evidence-informed management of coastal and marine systems. Co-produced knowledge and research that includes non-academic stakeholders and practitioners have gained importance for improving the uptake of scientific findings in policy and society (e.g. as acknowledged within the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development). The recently established Working Group “Anticipating and Transforming Coastal Futures” within the German Committee Future Earth, in particular, aims at developing a new science agenda for achieving sustainable future coasts. This includes exploring potential pathways of coastal and marine science with regard to opportunities and challenges of research approaches that stretch beyond single disciplines and traditional scientific pathways for Early Career Researchers (ECRs). ECRs often face obstacles when using approaches and methodologies for co-producing knowledge, because scientific career paths have traditionally been locked within disciplinary boundaries. Identifying and addressing the challenges inherent to the application of such approaches by ECRs in coastal and marine research is, therefore, fundamental to better support the development of co-produced science and ultimately the utility of science for society. We propose conducting a pre-conference survey within the ICYMARE network, that is specifically targeted at ECRs who have or will co-produce knowledge. Specifically, we will investigate approaches to knowledge co-production with a particular focus on the obstacles faced by ECRs. In addition, we propose a workshop to be held at the ICYMARE conference that will present preliminary survey results and discuss findings with researchers working at the science-policy-society interface. Our overall goal is to identify common personal, institutional, and engagement obstacles to the co-production of knowledge and discussing ways of mitigating their impact on ECRs future pathways.

We welcome everyone at our workshop – wether you have experience with knowledge co-production or not! In case you are planning to conduct, or have already conducted scientific approaches to knowledge co-production, please support us by participating in our short survey prior to the conference:

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at ed.no1741945839ereh@1741945839refle1741945839or.an1741945839el1741945839


1Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
2University of Bergen, Norway
3Faculty of Sustainability, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
4Systems Ecology and Resource Management Research Unit (SERM), Department of Organism Biology, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles – ULB, Brussels, Belgium
5Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
6Social-ecological Systems Institute (SESI), Faculty of Sustainability, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
7Centro de Investigación Mariña, Universidade de Vigo, Future Oceans Lab, Vigo, Spain

Workshop hosts: Sophia Kochalski1

It is essential to understand human behavior and the way people think in order to effectively protect the marine environment and to preserve the benefits that humans derive from the oceans. In this workshop we look practically and theoretically at the analysis of human thoughts based on the qualitative analysis of interviews with fishery stakeholders. We discuss mixed methods, different types of interviews and different ways of analyzing interviews. We will pay particular attention to frequently occurring problems and questions of subjectivity / objectivity and triangulation. Half of the workshop is dedicated to a hands-on exercise during which the participants will be coding and discussing a real-life example. The workshop is suitable for all participants, no prior knowledge of social science methods is needed. There is the possibility to use one participant’s own data as example for the workshop, please contact the workshop conductor if this would be of interest for you. All participants are asked to install the free trial version of ATLAS.ti on their PC prior to the workshop.

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at moc.l1741945839iamg@1741945839iksla1741945839hcok.1741945839aihpo1741945839S1741945839


1University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Workshop hosts: Luisa von Albedyll1 and Marek Muchow1

Did you ever wonder how to communicate your scientific research differently?

Researchers get more and more creative with communicating their results away from traditional written articles in journals.

They realized that hand-drawn sketches/comics help to reach and teach a broader audience but also attract your peers’ interest to read your work.

Those sketches can work very well when posted online, for example wrapped in a short tweet. Additionally, a lot of researchers started to use their hand-drawn sketches and comic-like pictures in scientific talks.

You wonder why they work so well? Sketching your science from a white sheet of paper will help you to focus on the main message, and choose the most simple way to illustrate it. And remember, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Do you want to learn more about how to sketch your science? This workshop is supposed to give an interactive, step-by-step introduction to the topic. With the help of an expert, we will get to know different methods for breaking down a research result into a comic to tell an understandable story. We will present techniques on how to realize your comic or sketch.

But this is a workshop, and hence after the introduction, it’s your time to become active. All workshop participants are encouraged to draw their own sketch or comic based on their own scientific work or a paper they know well. In the last part of the workshop we will talk about the comics and provide feedback.

And don’t forget: It is not about perfect drawings, but about simple ways to visualize science for yourself and others.

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at ed.yn1741945839amreg1741945839-scep1741945839a@era1741945839myci1741945839


1APECS International, APECS Germany Board

Workshop hosts: Daniel Kähler1

This workshop features basic and advanced knowledge on how to set up a smart social media strategy to promote your research or insitution with a journalistic approach. It will give information on which network is best to use for your situation and basic advice on how to create professional content. Furthermore, you will see which devices or softwares can help you. The workshop will give you ideas to adapt for your strategy.

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at ed.re1741945839lheak1741945839leina1741945839d@era1741945839myci1741945839


1Freelance journalist (mainly working for Radio Bremen / ARD, social media and audio editor / author)

Workshop hosts: Kalpana Chaudhari1, Pasquale De Toro1, Maria Cerreta1 and Francesca Nocca1

The proposed Workshop focuses on Challenges in Urban Coastal Planning so as to provide scientific and recent advancement in planning and management of urban cities and towns in marine region.Due to urbanization along coastal region,the problems of urban environment management are also increased and posed threats for sustainable environment management of cities and towns in marine areas. This workshop will provide scientific and technical knowledge on sustainable urbanization in marine areas, management of coastal cities and towns, impact assessments of urbanization in coastal region. The experts and researchers from University of Naples-Federico II, Naples ,Italy; Ocean-Knowledge Action Networks of Future Earth and international institutions will make presentations on recent advancements in sustainable urban planning in marine areas as well as case studies on sustainable cities and towns along coastal regions etc. The target groups will be students, youth and young professionals working in Marine planning, management of coastal cities and towns, sustainable environment management for marine areas etc.

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at moc.l1741945839iamto1741945839h@clk1741945839rdsi1741945839


1Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College; Vice President, ISDR,India

Workshop hosts: Paula Kellett 1, Alessandro Cresci2, Anjali Gopakumar3 and Rebecca Zitoun 4

Science communication is part of a scientist’s everyday life; they write papers and proposals, give talks, educate students, and promote findings to the public. Thus, scientists communicate effectively within a bubble of their peers. Nevertheless, to be successful and impactful, regardless of the field or career path, one must be an effective and engaging communicator to broader, non-scientific audiences. These include media, policymakers, students, and the public. The ability to communicate information (verbally and non-verbally) in a simple, accurate and concise manner is key for science to have an impact on the outside world. Scientists who are good communicators build support for science, promote the understanding of its wider relevance to society, and encourage informed decision-making at all levels, from government to communities to individuals. Effective communication can make science more accessible, diverse, and inclusive. Being able to explain and promote the relevance of ideas and discoveries can also enhance a scientist’s ability to secure funding, find a job, write more comprehensible papers, and be a better teacher and mentor to the next generation. When scientists bring science stories to life, science thrives. Nevertheless, this vital life skill is often overlooked, and as a core professional skill, it is unfortunately not always taught to young scientists.This workshop will focus on the importance of good communication to ensure that your science has impact, both for top-down and bottom-up engagement. The session will discuss the basics, principles, and strategies that make communicating to media, policymakers, and stakeholders effective. Invited experts will share techniques, tricks and lessons learnt on how to become an impactful communicator. By introducing the European science-policy landscape and the Ocean Decade, we will show why good communication can make a difference. The workshop will allow attendees to have discussions, ask questions, and participate in breakouts to share ideas.

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at ue.dr1741945839aoben1741945839iram@1741945839ttell1741945839ekp1741945839


1 European Marine Board
European Marine Board Young Ambassador / Institute of Marine Research, Norway
3European Marine Board Young Ambassador / University of Bologna, Italy
4European Marine Board Young Ambassador / NIOZ, Netherlands

Workshop hosts: Christine Paetzold1

The scientific publishing process can seem daunting at first. Whether you are preparing your first manuscript submission to a journal, want to try again after having had your work rejected, or just want to learn all about the secrets of successful publishing in MEPS and its sister journals — this workshop will be for you! You will get an overview of how the scientific review process in general works, from choosing the appropriate journal and preparing your submission to challenging a rejection or having your article accepted. I will share my experience from over 10 years as Managing Editor at Inter-Research (the publisher of MEPS), including tips and tricks that will improve your chances of a positive review process outcome. There will be plenty of time for all your questions, including a Q&A session at the end of the workshop.

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at moc.s1741945839er-tn1741945839i@poh1741945839skrow1741945839-ERAM1741945839YCI1741945839


Note: This workshop will start at 13:30!


1Inter-Research Science Publisher

Workshop hosts: Tim Kiessling1

Graphics are an important communication tool in science, for example as figures in scientific articles, as part of posters and presentations or for effectively communicating your research on social media. With most of the commonly used programs graphic and layouting options are very limited. In this workshop you will learn to use the powerful vector-based program inkscape to create appealing graphics. The program is free to use and open source. We will cover the basics, from navigating inkscape, to improving simple figures, up to importing hand-drawn images that could be the basis for a graphical abstract, logos or a postcard, summarizing your research, to send to your colleagues. We will further briefly touch upon aspects related to scientific graphic design, such as different graphic formats, licensing options and online resources for graphics and photos. For this workshop you will need a computer with inkscape installed (, a piece of paper, pencil and smartphone/scanner.

If you want to take part in this workshop, please register at ed.np1741945839i-zin1741945839biel@1741945839gnils1741945839seik1741945839


1Kiel Science Factory

Thanks for everyonewho joined and supportedICYMARE 2021.