Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • Abstracts for oral and poster presentations can be submitted via the MyICYMARE platform until May 15, 2025.
  • ICYMARE 2025 is an in-person conference held in Bremerhaven, Germany, and will be conducted in English. Accordingly, all abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Your presentation should fit into one of the thematic sessions listed in the Call for Abstracts. Please select the appropriate session from the drop-down list in the submission form on MyICYMARE.

Important Deadlines

  • Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2025
  • Notification of acceptance: Shortly after the submission deadline
  • Conference registration deadline for presenters: July 15, 2025
    If you do not register by this date, your presentation slot will be given to another 

You will receive all notifications, including submission confirmations, revisions, and acceptance decisions, via MyICYMARE.

What to Submit?

  • Your abstract (pasted into the text box and uploaded as a Word document, .docx).
  • A short academic CV, including your background and current academic status (this will not be published but helps the session hosts introduce you).

After submission, your abstract will be reviewed by the session hosts. They may ask for clarifications, suggest wording improvements, or recommend moving your abstract to a more suitable session. If necessary, you might also be asked to switch between an oral or poster presentation to better accommodate the session structure.

Abstracts from early-career researchers are especially encouraged and will be evaluated with a focus on relevance, innovation, structure, and clarity.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the ICYMARE 2025 BREMERHAVEN Book of Abstracts.

Abstract Content

  • Abstracts must be submitted via MyICYMARE.
  • Upload your abstract as a Word document (.docx) in addition to pasting the text into the online submission form. PDFs are not accepted.
  • The title should be short and clearly reflect the research content.
  • Author names: Provide full names (e.g., John Doe) and abbreviate middle names if needed.
  • Affiliations: Provide the full institutional name, city, and country for each author. Use numbers to indicate author affiliations.
    Author One¹
    ¹ Institute of Brilliant Authors (IBA), ExampleTown, ExampleCountry
If unsure about your institution’s correct name, check
  • The presenting author must be the one submitting the abstract via MyICYMARE.
  • The main abstract text (excluding title, authors, affiliations, and keywords) must not exceed 300 words.
  • Abstracts should be structured as one paragraph and typically include:
    Aim of research
    Key results
    Do not include citations or non-standard abbreviations.

Poster Guidelines

  • Size: DIN A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm), portrait format.
  • Text should be clear and readable from a distance of 1 meter 
(minimum 28 pt font size).
  • Keep text concise – max. 600 words per poster.
  • Title: Use at least 60 pt font size.
  • Avoid placing red and green colours next to each other (for accessibility reasons).
  • Include sections such as: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
  • Ensure the title, authors, and affiliations match your abstract submission.
  • Add your contact email and optionally a QR code for additional information.
  • Posters will be displayed throughout the conference. Please bring your printed poster with you when you arrive.

Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • Each talk is 15 minutes long:
    12 minutes for your presentation
    3 minutes for questions & discussion
  • Structure your talk clearly: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusions.
  • Slide readability:
    Use at least 24 pt font (36 pt for headings).
    Limit text to max. 6 lines per slide.
    Prefer black text on white or light text on dark backgrounds.
    Avoid placing red and green colors next to each other.
  • Graphs and tables should have clear labels and legends.