
Each year at ICYMARE, participants get to vote for their favorite talks and posters – a tough job with so many great presentations. With 83 talks and 35 posters presented at ICYMARE 2024 BREMEN, we’re excited to announce the winners for Best Talk and Best Poster:

Best Talk Winners

1st: Kay Watty (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) – “Circadian Symbiont Relocation in a Bioeroding Sponge”

2nd: Bianca Allegra Parodi (University of Groningen, Netherlands) – “The Tropical Sea Anemone Exaiptasia diaphana displays Resilience when exposed to the “Deadly Trio” of Climate Change related Environmental Stressors”

3rd: Svenja Stoehr (Bielefeld University, Germany) –  “Does Foraging Behavior in Galápagos Sea Lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) change with Time and under different Climate Conditions?”


Best Poster Winners:

1st: Cindy Meyer (Kiel University, Germany) – “The Impact of Heat Waves on the Reproductive Behavior of Common Gobies (Pomatoschistus microps)”

2nd: Isabel Martinez Rugerio (Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg, Germany) – “Integrating Moonlight Signals in predicting Coral Skeletal Extension along Depth Gradients”

3rd: Natascha Jaspert (German Ocean Foundation (Deutsche Meeresstiftung), Germany) – “Beyond Marine Paper Parks? Evaluating the Success of German Marine Protected Areas in the North Sea”


Each winner received a €200 book voucher kindly provided by Springer Nature. As a 2024 first, each first place was awarded an additional €100 cash prize sponsored by OYSTER, a working group funded by the EuroMarine network dedicated to promoting and supporting opportunities for early career researchers in marine science.

Huge congratulations to all the winners for their amazing achievements and contributions to ICYMARE 2024 BREMEN!