
After two years of online conferences, this year we could finally meet in person again for ICYMARE 2022 BREMERHAVEN. The conference took place from 13th to 16th of September in Bremerhaven in the North of Germany, and was hosted by the University of Applied Science Bremerhaven. We were happy to welcome 333 participants from 37 countries and representation from all continents at the conference. Participants were mainly master students (66%), followed by bachelor (22%) and PhD candidates (12%). In 30 sessions, a total of 114 oral and 20 poster presentations were given, and participants could choose from a variety of workshops.
The Icebreaker event in the main hall of the Alfred-Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research on Tuesday evening presented the kick-off for the conference. More than 80 participants joined for drinks and snacks. A highlight was the game ‘bingo’, where participants got the chance to get to know each other in a playful way.
On the following days, the University of Applied Science Bremerhaven opened the doors for the participants for three days full of presentations and networking activities. The opening words from the university and our local sponsors ‘Freundeskreis Bremerhaven’ gave the start to the conference and warmly welcomed the early-career-scientists (ECRs) in Bremerhaven.
Scientific Sessions
The following sessions and presentations at ICYMARE 2022 BREMERHAVEN centred around six main streams: management and conservation; new age of monitoring; insights into a changing ocean; ecosystem dynamics; an ocean full of numbers; and innovative technologies. For the first time at ICYMARE, the stream management and conservation included several interdisciplinary sessions at the interface of social/political science and marine conservation. Sessions in this stream included emergent topics, such as the importance of weaving Indigenous knowledge into research, social-ecological systems research and transforming governance for sustainable futures.
More emerging and highly relevant topics were also addressed in other streams. For example, within the stream new age of monitoring, novel monitoring techniques and progressive methodologies for assessing biodiversity and marine resources were presented. Presentations tackled this topic from the species to the population level and through time, including alternative methods for monitoring marine wildlife and resources, bioarchaeology of marine systems, molecular tools, and aquatic animal telemetry.
Other streams included latest research on the impact of changing conditions on marine life, providing insights on climate change, plastic pollution and biodiversity loss in the marine realm (insights into a changing ocean), and ecosystem dynamics from microbial communities, over marine forests to coral reef ecosystems. Finally, presentations in the streams an ocean full of numbers and innovative technologies presented a more mathematical and physical approach to the marine sciences, including sea ice dynamics, impacts of whirls and waves, and new technologies for and from ocean science, such as marine biotechnology and marine engineering. Presentations that did not fit into any of the other sessions were presented in the open session.
Art Projects
Besides the scientific program, participants joined various networking events and contributed to amazing art projects. This year we celebrated the first ICYMARE Art Exhibition! In the 6 weeks leading up to the conference, 10 ICYMARE participants created a series of 30 Artworks around the theme “Exploring Boundaries and the Bottom”. It was based on this video featuring one of the first bathymetric maps of the Ocean created by Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen and an excerpt from the book “Undrowned – Black feminist lessons from marine mammals” by Alexis Pauline Gumbs. The art project used the “Exquisite Corpse Method”, where participants create a series of artworks centred around the main seed, but based on exchanging their artworks with each other and building on what other people have created. If you want to learn more about the process, you can check out the poster we created for the exhibition here.
Soon, we will also share a video showing the exhibition and creations on our website! But in short – there was a huge variety of artworks and mediums ranging from photography, comics, art installations, collages, writings, videography, to a poetry sculpture. Apart from this exhibition, there was also a mini-story sculpture installation in the Lounge room. Here, everyone was invited to tie an object or little note, representing their own ocean stories and connection to a big braided rope. Overall, there seemed to be a big interest in all of our artsy activities and we are planning to expand them for ICYMARE 2023 OLDENBURG!
Keynote presentations and plenary discussion
After the opening on day one, participants engaged in the first keynote presentation by Julia Olsen from the Nordland Research Institute and a following plenary discussion. In her keynote presentation, Julia emphasised the deep-rooted relation between society and nature by using the Arctic Ocean as an example. Julia also highlighted the need for inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to translate scientific knowledge into action within the UN Ocean Decade. Using an interactive tool, participants could reveal their motivation to contribute to marine research and the meaning of the UN Ocean Decade (results are shown in the word clouds below). Participants could also show their agreement to three statements around the need for communicating scientific findings to society and decision-makers, the usefulness of social media, and the question, if early-career researchers (ECR) are in a position to make the change they want to see.
One highlight from the discussions was that even though most of the participants agreed that they do not see the necessary change they would like to see, we – as ECRs – are part of the change. We are the next generation of researchers, who will be in charge in the next decades and will shape the emerging research agendas! Participants also agreed that social media is a useful tool to share scientific results, but it is not the task of ECRs to make sure that their results reach decision-makers. More importantly, ECRs should concentrate on what they are best at – science – and leave the communication to people who are more trained in that field. The UN Ocean Decade provides a useful frame for societal relevant research and means many different things to the ECRs – but mainly creating an awareness in public for achieving sustainable development for the oceans (second word cloud).
In the second Keynote presentation Caroline Ngorobi further explored the connection between science and society by highlighting the role that art can play in this process to connect, share and mobilise. Caroline started her presentation with her own journey and experience of being a theatre producer in Kenya and moving into working in collaboration with scientists to inspire behaviour change and social activism. She shared her experience of managing to connect and create impactful theatre pieces together with scientists by developing a shared language and understanding. Through a series of artworks created as part of the Bahari Huru Ocean Art festival and residency hosted at Jukwaa Arts Productions, she invited the audience to take some quiet moments to reflect and feel the impacts of the artworks in their own bodies.
In the second part of her talk, Caroline shared best practices about how to collaborate in the ArtScience space. At the end of her talk, Caroline invited the audience to put into practice what they just heard. She engaged the audience to develop a news story about the Ocean from the perspective of a marine organism. Challenging everyone to put on a different hat to find a funny, thoughtful or unexpected framing of common marine issues brought out a lot of laughter and new insights on the latest news about the “octopus housing crisis” and “jellyfish invasion”. In the Q&A part of the session, many participants shared their inspiration and hopes from Caroline’s talk. One key takeaway was the idea that while the Ocean as well as ECRs face many challenges, we do not have to overcome them alone. As a community and ICYMARE family, we can support each other. From a disciplinary perspective, marine researchers do not have to do it all alone – we can connect with others and draw on other disciplinary tools, ways of thinking and perspectives.
ICYMARE 2022 Program (final)
18:00 - 21:00 ICEBREAKER
Join the ICYMARE Icebreaker at the AWI
>> Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) – Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research <<
>> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany <<
Table 1: A to J & Table 2: K to Z
>> Main Hall <<
09:00 - 09:15 OPENING
>> Main Hall <<
>> Main Hall <<
10:45 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
>> Main Hall <<
>> Room S318 <<
>> Room S207 <<
SESSION 1.1 (Part 1)
“Science as the best shield for our Oceans.”: Early Career Ocean Professionals and Marine Conservation
hosted by Jorge Moreno & Fiona-Elaine Strasser
1.1.1 – Habitat suitability of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
1.1.2 – Study on By-catch, Reproduction and Postmortem Examination of Marine Snakes of Sri Lanka
1.1.3 – Life-history of Icelandic minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata using scar-based analysis
>> Room S201 <<
Aquatic Animal Telemetry
hosted by Jena Edwards & Eleanor Greenway
2.6.2 – Telemetry ased study of northern pike movement in the southern Baltic Sea space use, connectivity and implacations for management
2.6.3 – Diel vertical migrations of the blonde skate (Raja brachyura) and the spotted skate (R.montagui) in the Northeast Atlantic
Bioarchaeology of Marine Systems: Understanding Past Human Impacts on Marine Systems
hosted by Magie Aiken
12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
>> Room S207 <<
SESSION 1.1 (Part 2)
“Science as the best shield for our Oceans.”: Early Career Ocean Professionals and Marine Conservation
hosted by Jorge Moreno & Fiona-Elaine Strasser
1.1.4 – Influence of oceanographic and atmospheric parameters on the abundance on whale sharks in La Paz Bay
1.1.5 – MESO_Alborán: and innovative project to explore and protect mesophotic communities of Alboran Sea.
1.1.6 – Knowledge Co-Production in the Marine Sciences - Meeting the Needs of ECRs
1.1.7 – Silence of Global Oceans: Using Open Data to Measure Acoustic Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown
1.1.8 – OutBe: the citizen science start-up connecting outdoor sports and marine conservation
What is at stake? – Socio-ecological systems in the Anthropocene
hosted by Frane Madiraca & Helene Gutte
1.5.1 – Reef islands in SE Asia and their response to changes in the environment
1.5.3 – Slipping away! Socio-ecological system approach to provide insights into reviving the slipper lobster fishery
1.5.2 – Diagnosing governance challenge in milkfish aquaculture village, a case study in Pangkah Wetan, Indonesia
>> Room S201 <<
Monitoring in Marine Science – alternative methods for sustainably monitoring marine wildlife & resources
hosted by Constanze Hammerl
2.1.1 – Old problems, new solutions: analysis approaches to estimate fishing effort of small-scale fisheries in the German Baltic Sea
2.1.2 – Monitoring and highlighting of fishing gears impact on vulnerable elasmobranchs species in the Alboran Sea (West of Algerian coast)
2.1.3 – A south Mediterranean country's demand on available marine biomass: Assessment and orientations
2.1.4 – Optical-acoustic methods to study Marine Protected Areas
2.1.5 – The golden opportunity - biomonitoring sandy beach marine biodiversity using environmental DNA
>> Room S318 <<
Mathematical analysis of marine communities
hosted by Ellen Oldenburg
5.1.1 – Cluster-wise Abundance Forecasting for F4 location around the Fram Strait using Machine Learning
5.1.2 – Modelling the effect of climate change and nutrient saturation on dinoflagellate spring blooms in the Baltic Sea
5.1.3 – Predicting spatio-temporal distributions of Arctic gelatinous zooplankton in Fram Strait in a changing environment
Across the seasons: Sea ice in all its facets
hosted by Hannah Niehaus & Linda Thielke
5.2.1 – Calculating Drag Coefficients from NASA's ICESat-2 Satellite Altimeter
5.2.2 – Assessing SAR Capabilities for Producing Arctic Sea Ice Concentration
5.2.3 – Remote sensing of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice – impressions from aircraft and helicopter campaigns since 2010
5.2.4 – Triangular Perspective on the alteration of Sea ice
5.2.5 – Automatic mapping of ice internal stratigraphy
15:30 - 15:45 COFFEE BREAK
>> Main Hall <<
>> Room S207 <<
From science to policy: various conservation concepts and contexts
hosted by Solomon Sebuliba & Sonia Akrour
1.2.1 – From Ice to Water - The Role of Science for a More Dynamic Approach to Ocean Management in the Polar Regions
1.2.2 – Turning the tide on protection illusions: The underprotected MPAs of the
‘OSPAR Regional Sea Convention’
1.2.3 – The benthic community of the pilot oyster reef at Borkum Reef Ground (North Sea)
1.2.4 – Spearfishing: tools for sustainable management
1.2.5 – From the ocean to the plate: A value chain analysis to address conservation knowledge gaps in artisanal mobulid fisheries in Sri Lanka
1.2.6 – How Biologically informed are Indian coastal fisheries policies
1.2.7 – Catalysing Blue Growth: A roadmap for balancing economic and environmental forces in coastal regions
1.2.8 – Post-harvest regeneration dynamics of stalked barnacle patches in the SW European coast
The Future of Marine Research: A growing Need for integrating Social and Natural Sciences in the Face of Climate Change
hosted by Emily Chen
1.3.1 – Biographical perspectives of small-scale Baltic fishers to understand social-ecological transformations
>> Room S201 <<
From Taxa and Transects to Traits and Metabarcoding – Progression in studying Marine Biodiversity
hosted by Eileen Heße & Kim Ellen Ludwig
2.4.1 – A functional perspective: Trait-based approaches in vulnerability and ecosystem state assessments
2.4.2 – A functional perspective on the driving factors behind coastal macrophyte carbon stocks in the Tvärminne archipelago, Finland
2.4.3 – The phylogeography of two Beroe species in the Arctic Ocean based on one mitochondrial and one ribosomal marker
2.4.4 – Using metatranscriptomics to disentangle seasonal functional diversity of North Sea microeukaryotic plankton
2.4.5 – Bridging the gap between morphological and molecular identification of diatoms
>> Room S318 <<
Variability and Trends in the Major Oceanic Gateways to the Arctic from Large- to Submesoscale
hosted by Finn Heukamp & Zerlina Hofmann
5.5.1 – Sea-ice derived meltwater stratification slows the biological carbon pump: results from continuous observations
5.5.2 – Atlantic Water Circulation in Nordic Seas: Role of Large-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics and Influence on Sea-Ice Concentration
5.5.3 – Understanding the Temperature Variability in Fram Strait through the Use of Complementary Observation Datasets
5.5.4 – Subduction as Observed at a Sub-Mesoscale Front in the Marginal Ice Zone in Fram Strait
5.5.5 – Impact of Cyclonic Wind Anomalies Caused by Massive Winter Sea Ice Retreat in the Barents Sea on Atlantic Water Transport towards the Arctic
5.5.6 – Rapid Trends in Barents Sea Opening Heat Transport
5.5.7 – Circulation Changes Derived from CFCs and SF6 along Two Transects in the Arctic Ocean
18:00 - 21:00 POSTER SESSION
>> Main Hall <<
09:00 - 09:15 OPENING
>> Main Hall <<
09:15 - 10:00 KEYNOTE "Where Art meets Science…"
Caroline Ngorobi from Jukwaa Arts Productions, Kenya
>> Main Hall <<
>> Room S207 <<
Weaving Indigenous Knowledge into Young Marine Research
hosted by Natalie Prinz & Megan Ranapia
1.4.1 – Weaving indigenous knowledge into marine research, case studies from Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand
1.4.2 – Toitū te Mauri - Designing and studying mauri (life-force) in experimental research
1.4.3 – The Hidden Gems for Conservation - Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Fishers in Fiji
>> Room S201 <<
Biobanking, Bioprospecting Biodiversity
hosted by Darya Chernikhova
2.3.1 – The benefits of long-term databasing of cetaceans in Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland
2.3.2 – Open up the black box of “The Unknows” creation of an open access platform for marine fungi holding polyphasic described model-organisms
>> Room S318 <<
SESSION 5.4 (Part 1)
Of Whirls and Waves: Exploring the Impacts of Small-Scale Motions in the Ocean
hosted by Nicolas Dettling & Simon Felix Reifenberg
5.4.1 – Of whirls and waves: Exploring the impacts of small-scale motions in the ocean
5.4.2 – Scattering and Refraction of Low-Mode Internal Tides by Interaction with Mesoscale Eddies
5.4.3 – Quantifying Spectral Energy Transfers in the Eastern South Atlantic using Satellite Data
10:45 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
>> Main Hall <<
>> Room S207 <<
Marine resources: economical interest and pollutants
hosted by Amaia Bilbao Kareaga, Hugo Campillo Gancedo & Marta Moriano Ortiz
1.7.1 – Traceability implications for heavy metal risks in commercial seafood
1.7.2 – Integrated methodologies for the tracking of illegally traded glass eels
1.7.3 – Microplastics in marine macrophytes in the Asturian coast
1.7.4 – Entrepreneurial ecosystem and innovative entrepreneurship: elements for a conceptual framework for red seaweed farming in Madagascar
Northern coastal communities: Transforming governance for a sustainable future
hosted by Maria Wilke
1.6.1 – Education for Sustainability Futures Research
Does trophic-level matter? Aquaculture of marine low-trophic organisms
hosted by Lara Stuthmann & Beatrice Brix da Costa
1.8.1 – Technical feasibility study for the cultivation of the red algae Halymenia durvillei in the South-West of Madagascar
>> Room S201 <<
Molecular Tools for Aquatic Biodiversity and Stock Assessment
hosted by Paulina Urban, Lara Jansen, Yassine Kasmi & Anna Joelle Greife
2.5.1 – Range expansions of scyphozoan jellyfish – the case study of Periphylla periphylla and Cyanea capillata
2.5.2 – Who’s there? A comprehensive eDNA metabarcoding survey of gelatinous zooplankton biodiversity in the Fram Strait
2.5.3 – Utility of environmental DNA in biomonitoring of Tanzanian cryptobenthic fishes: Does the environmental DNA approach perform better than the traditional visual census method?
2.5.4 – Genetic studies in the coral Parazoanthus axinellae for taxonomic determination
2.5.5 – eDNA: Reality or Myth? Qualitative and quantitative approach
>> Room S318 <<
SESSION 5.4 (Part 2)
Of Whirls and Waves: Exploring the Impacts of Small-Scale Motions in the Ocean
hosted by Nicolas Dettling & Simon Felix Reifenberg
5.4.4 – The Influence of Topography on Mesoscale Ocean Mixing
5.4.6 – Modulation of a Dissipation Parameterization with time: Mixing over the Reykjanes Ridge
5.4.7 – Mixing along the Weddell Sea Gravity Current
5.4.8 – The Impact of Submesoscale Dynamics on the Air Sea Exchange
Join one of our awesome workshops for free!
A) Becoming an Ocean Carer
B) A quick-start guide to environmental DNA: theory, practice and applications
C) Connecting Early Career Ocean Professionals with Ocean Observing and Forecasting – EuroSea
D) Acoustic Telemetry – Innovative Solutions for Tracking Aquatic Species
E) We Want to Se(a) You as You are – Building an inclusive ICYMARE Community
F) Sustainability in Science
>> Workshop Rooms <<
09:00 - 09:15 OPENING
>> Room S207 <<
Just keep swimming: Marine species redistribution in a changing climate
hosted by Annabell Klinke & Svea Vollstedt
3.5.1 – Effects of climate change and anthropogenic disturbance on the interaction of two delphinid species: Competition or co-existence?
3.5.2 – Habitat suitability of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
3.5.3 – Geographical distribution and characterization of some non-native species of the Algerian coast
New plastic pollution types and novel sources of microplastic pollution in marine systems
hosted by Mánus Cunningham & Sonja Ehlers
3.7.1 – Frequent field observations of novel plastic forms in estuarine habitats
3.7.2 – Vertical distribution of microplastics including tire wear particles in the marine environment - A cross section through air, sea surface microlayer and underlying water in Swedish fjord systems
>> Room S201 <<
Marine forests: an underestimated ecosystem?
hosted by Florian Stahl & Lea Kappas
4.5.1 – The Helgoland kelp forest - First estimation of summer productivity
4.5.2 – Contributions of macrofauna to carbon cycling in Fucus vesiculosus habitats
4.5.3 – Microscopic life stages of Arctic kelp differ in their resilience and reproductive output in response to Arctic seasonality
Coral reefs: Past, present, and future
hosted by Jessica Bellworthy & Ronen Liberman
4.2.1 – Stress-hardening of corals through thermal pre-conditioning
4.2.2 – Bacterial community dynamics of two coral species in the Andaman Sea (Thailand): Towards linking thermal resistance with microbiome traits
4.2.3 – High molecular weight exudates of hard corals and macroalgae may enhance virus abundance in reef water
>> Room 3 <<
Marine Biotechnology - An ocean of bioapplications
hosted by Inês Moutinho Cabral & Cátia Gonçalves
6.1.1 – Advances in the bioprospecting for novel bioreactives from marine invertebrates: Multi-omics and computational strategies
6.1.2 – Boosting nutrient turnover in Arctic marine oil-degrading biofilms
6.1.3 – Nitrogen and Phosphorus balance of an aquaponic vs hydroponic system with Tilapia and basil
10:45 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
>> Main Hall <<
>> Room S207 <<
Long-Term Ecological Observations To Assess Ecological Changes In The Marine Environment
hosted by Magda Cardozo & Anabel von Jackowski
3.3.1 – Is the phenology of phytoplankton blooms in the Baltic Sea changing?
3.3.2 – Reproduction and recruitment patterns of black corals in the Toliara Region, southwest Madagascar
3.3.3 – Fish Diversity in the Tidal Region of the River Ems, Northwest Germany
3.3.4 – Benthic megafauna in the Arctic Ocean – future dominion by sea cucumbers?
3.3.5 – Wiggling in the deep – Diversity of Arctic deep-sea nematodes at the long-term ecological research observatory HAUSGARTEN
3.3.6 – Deciphering the Holocene history of Arctic marine mammals using sedimentary ancient DNA
>> Room S201 <<
Recent Advances in Tropical Coastal Ecosystems Research
hosted by Fedor Lishchenko & Andrew Balashov
4.6.1 – Population genetic structure and connectivity of a marine foundation species (Halodule wrightii) inferred from genetic and biophysical methods
4.6.2 – Scleractinian coral density and the structure of macrosymbiont community
4.6.3 – Software for coral health assessment
Eco-Physiological effects of climate change in marine animals – Biological studies from the whole animal to its genetic information
hosted by Nina Krebs
4.4.1 – Impact of rapid temperature rising on reproducing and non-reproducing polar cod (Boreogadus saida )
4.4.2 – Goby fish populations in intertidal environments: gene networks and epigenetic regulators modulating energy metabolism in response to seasonal warming and local climate regimes
4.4.3 – Physiological larval fish models as a powerful tool to understand current and future dynamics of Fish Recruitment
>> Room S318 <<
Marine Engineering
hosted by Noah Becker & Max Anders
6.2.1 – Using a laser distance sensor for volumetric measurements in benthic chambers
6.2.2 – Prototyping of a Tethered Undersea Kite to Harvest Energy from Low Velocity Currents
6.2.3 – Development of a SubSea battery manager for Li-ion batteries of the AUV PAUL 3000
6.3.4 – Redesign of a portable Launch and Recovery System (LARS) for shallow lakes
12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
>> Room 1 <<
(Sub)Tropical coastal ecosystems in a changing environment
hosted by Johanna Berlinghof & Selma Mezger
3.2.1 – Seagrass Ecosystems Under Times of Change
3.2.2 – Nitrogen cycling by the Posidonia oceanica holobiont under ocean acidification
3.2.3 – Tropical reef ecosystems and water quality: interlinkage between habitat and nutrient fluxes
3.2.4 – Deciphering the trophic strategy of the widespread, pulsating soft coral Xenia umbellata
3.2.5 – The soft coral Xenia umbellata is highly tolerant against key environmental change factors
Climate Change-Biodiversity-Ecosystem service nexus
hosted by Christian Simeoni & Fabiola Espinoza Cordova
3.1.1 – Bidirectional interaction between phytoplankton diversity and biomass in the ocean
3.1.2 – Multi-scale modelling of biogeochemical fluxes along the Danube land-sea continuum
3.1.3 – A Machine Learning risk-based cumulative impacts assessment on seagrasses in the Mediterranean Sea under a changing climate
>> Room S201 <<
SESSION 4.1 (Part 1)
Interactions between marine species
hosted by Jana Vetter
4.1.1 – A Sticky Situation: Copepod-Diatom Interaction in the Context of Oil Spills
4.1.2 – Studying species interactions on a microscopic scale – how to map, track, and eavesdrop on super tiny stuff
4.1.3 – Biodiversity-productivity effects in stony coral assemblages
4.1.4 – Contact-free modulation of coral productivity by sessile reef organisms
4.1.5 – The diet spectrum of fish in South Greenland waters: the role of gelatinous zooplankton as prey
4.1.6 – DNA metabarcoding uncovers prey diversity overlap among tunas and seabirds of Eastern Tropical Atlantic
4.1.7 – Friend or foe? – Larvae of the invasive Pacific oyster (Magallana gigas ) trade-off predator and conspecific cues in their decision making for settlement
4.1.8 – Expansion of the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax in Northern European Waters
>> Room S318 <<
Open Session
hosted by Lea Kappas & Anna Joelle Greife
7.1.1 – Waves of Freedom
7.1.2 – Relationships between metal pollution in female green (Chelonia mydas ) and hawkbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles of São Tomé Island and their egg composition
7.1.3 – Plasticity of native and invasive crabs to a new generation pesticide: an integrative approach
7.1.4 – Protecting the sea living fossil: Frontier Social Conservation Action and Research of Horseshoe Crabs in Indonesia
7.1.5 – Number of primordial follicles in juvenile ringed seals (Pusa hispida )
7.1.6 – Effects of TNT from of dumped munitions on fish under the light of climate change
7.1.7 – Measuring the purity of meta-Cresol purple
7.1.8 – Hydrothermally modified DOM: An analytical perspective on DOM alteration under hydrothermal conditions using radiocarbon dating, FT-ICR-MS, and NMR
15:30 - 15:45 COFFEE BREAK
>> Main Hall <<
>> Room S207 <<
How far can they go? Pushing the limits
hosted by Antonia Uthoff, Jasmin Stimpfle & Linda Rehder
3.4.1 – Light, iron and manganese availability: important drivers of Southern Ocean phytoplankton ecology and productivity
3.4.2 – The phytoplankton holobiont in a changing Arctic Ocean
3.4.3 – Phytoplankton in the Elbe estuary
3.4.4 – Beyond the optimum: The effect of increasing temperature and N:P supply ratios on the performance of a North Sea phytoplankton community
3.4.5 – Blooms in the Baltic Sea: insights into limiting nutrients acclimation strategies of toxic diazotrophic cyanobacteria
3.4.6 – Cyanobacteria in a changing environment
3.4.7 – Hydraulic investigation of the effects of artificial structures as restoration facilitator for seagrass
>> Room S201 <<
SESSION 4.1 (Part 2)
Interactions between marine species
hosted by Kara Engelhardt & Jana Vetter
4.1.9 – The diversity of Mollusca from marine lakes in Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
>> Room S318 <<
SESSION 7.1 (Part 2)
Open Session
7.1.9 – Influence of hydrothermal heating on the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in Guaymas Basin sediments
7.1.10 – Mobilization of petroleum-derived dissolved black carbon in hydrothermal sediments of the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California)
7.1.11 – Dissolved Organic Sulfur in the North Sea: Is Sulfurization a Mechanism for Recalcitrant Organic Carbon Formation?
7.1.12 – Unravelling the effects of meio- and macrofauna bioturbation on methanotrophic activity
7.1.13 – Copepod-mediated effects on the biological carbon pump in the subtropical South Atlantic
7.1.14 – Parasitic fungi – Small but powerful vampires of phytoplankton
7.1.15 – Exploring the Role of Blue Economy in Sustainable Development: A Perspective from Pakistan
17:30 - 18:00 FAREWELL
The official end of the ICYMARE 2022 BREMERHAVEN incl. awards for the best talk and poster
ICYMARE 2022 Sessions
1 Management and Conservation
Implementation of scientific results into conservation approaches; Interworking of scientist, stakeholders and policymakers
Hosted by Jorge Moreno
The oceans are a vast resource, providing food, raw materials (extractive activities), as well as supporting tourism activities all over the world (non-extractive). As such, it is fundamental to protect and conserve this system and its inhabitants. Adequate management and enforcement are necessary for conservation, but they can only be accomplished through science. Therefore, it is our best tool for marine conservation. If your research is contributing to the conservation of the marine environment, we invite you to submit an abstract for this section and share your experience with the rest of early career ocean professionals and conservationists!
Hosted by Solomon Sebuliba & Sonia Akrour
Effective conservation and management of biodiversity depends on defining, measuring, and representing the different levels of biodiversity (e.g., species, genes, and ecosystems) in time and space when formulating policies. Therefore, all research processes (investigations, data collection, dissemination of results) are critical. This session is for researchers who have studied a particular area or ecosystem and are interested in disseminating their results or finding out how their data can be used to promote management policy. It may also be of use to individuals who wish to replicate conservation actions that have been conducted in other countries/contexts.
Hosted by Emily Chen
There is a global need to address the social impacts of marine conservation, especially since the communities most vulnerable to climate change impacts are rarely given an equal voice. We welcome abstracts of studies conducted on the inclusion of any social science field in marine research, from traditional knowledge to socioecological consequences to linguistic barriers in policy decisions. Submissions should focus on interdisciplinarity and best practices to approach and standardize social science methods into marine research. We hope to receive submissions on a range of original topics and invite you to take part in this important conversation!
Hosted by Natalie Prinz & Megan Ranapia
Managing and restoring our complex marine ecosystems from past and present anthropogenic activities requires a comprehensive understanding of social ecological interactions. Globally, there is increasing appreciation that indigenous and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) can provide valuable lessons towards conservation and contribute significantly to ecosystem management. Despite this proposition, indigenous knowledge is severely underutilized, partly because there is a large void as to how practitioners can synthesize different knowledge systems. Our interest lies in research by ECRs who collaborate with local communities, how to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. We invite presenters from multiple disciplines to contribute to our online session.
Hosted by Frane Madiraca & Helene Gutte
Marine ecosystems are increasingly threatened by a multitude of anthropogenic pressures. Identifying systems at risk and vulnerable components is therefore highly important for ensuring the sustainability of our oceans. However, this can be challenging as pressures often interact with each other, leading to cumulative impacts and feedback loops. This warrants not only for single species assessments evaluating multiple pressures but also holistic approaches focusing on entire ecosystems. We therefore invite everyone working on risk and vulnerability evaluations ranging from single species to ecosystems, including status and distribution assessments and services they provide, especially under the influence of combined impacts
Hosted by Maria Wilke
As the Arctic ice is melting, coastal communities of the North face some of the most uncertain futures, battling increasing maritime activities, economies dependent on limited resources, depopulation, non-representation and consequences of rapid climate. To adapt to such conditions, transformative approaches to governance need to be applied. This session will explore governance issues and transformative approaches to enable shared understanding across the Arctic and beyond. We invite you to submit your abstract on research relating to governance issues and solutions in coastal communities in the North. Submissions are accepted from all scientific fields with special focus on interdisciplinary work.
Hosted by Amaia Bilbao Kareaga, Hugo Campillo Gancedo & Marta Moriano Ortiz
The proper control of the exploited marine resources is essential for the adequate management either from an environmental or human health point of view. Different approaches can be applied to reach an appropriate transparency regarding the product that is being consumed, such as the identity of the species, its origin or the possible contaminant content. For this, different techniques might be used: genetic tools, pollutants analysis, etc. Avoiding commercial fraud and raising awareness about possible health hazards and the troubling management of some species (especially those of conservation interest) are factors that may be of special importance in the future.
Hosted by Lara Stuthmann & Beatrice Brix da Costa
In marine aquaculture systems organisms throughout the natural food chain are cultured. However, contrary to the general assumption, marine aquaculture production is dominated by extractive species, mostly seaweeds, but also filter feeders and deposit feeders like bivalves or echinoderms. In order to push forward sustainable aquaculture, integrated systems where organisms of different trophic-levels are complementary cultured, gain in interest. We are inviting researchers from both, natural and social sciences to share their story on low-trophic aquaculture organisms, techniques and challenges.
2 New Age of Monitoring
Emerging monitoring techniques and progressive methodologies to assess biodiversity and marine resources, from species to population level, and even through time
Hosted by Constanze Hammerl
Monitoring is a key aspect of managing marine environments. It has enabled the development of a science-based understanding of marine ecosystems and human impacts affecting it. In the context of increasing construction at sea, the establishment of no-take zones and the associated inappropriateness of many traditional methods, as well as the general societal quest for more efficient and sustainable technologies, the following question arises: How can future monitoring be designed? This session is for anyone investigating more sustainable methods of marine monitoring, whether you are working on new monitoring devices, sampling strategies and concepts or more efficient data processing.
Hosted by Magie Aiken
Bioarchaeological investigation of marine species adds to our understanding of human exploitation and its impact on marine ecosystems. This directly ties into modern ecological studies by contextualizing current research within a long-term approach not otherwise feasible. We invite researchers who use bioarchaeological methods to study any aspect of marine systems to share their research. This session invites contributions from a broad range of bioarchaeological methods, research questions, time periods, and target species to share their perspective on the past, present, and future of marine systems.
Hosted by Darya Chernikhova
Marine samples archiving (biobanking) is a growing field. Repositories offer hedges against rapid biodiversity declines and sources of reference samples for research. They also pose new and accelerating problems to be explored. Are you interested in cryopreservation or -omics databases? Do you work with bioactives and biomaterials? Do you study equitable access or organize citizen/community science efforts? Join our interdisciplinary conversation on coalition building, citizen science, information accessibility, and technical methodologies, as applied to wide-scale distributed biobanking efforts. This session aims to bring together participants with diverse backgrounds and interests, to share complementary views on the future of archival collections.
Hosted by Eileen Heße & Kim Ludwig
Marking the 30th anniversary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, this session will be dedicated to modern approaches to studying marine biodiversity. In a conceptual context, functional biodiversity has gained much attention over recent years, considering species characteristics (“traits”) rather than -identities and thereby allowing for new insights into the drivers of biodiversity. Technologically, molecular methods such as metabarcoding have emerged and provide new possibilities for identifying cryptic species. In this session, we invite speakers working on marine biodiversity questions to share their experiences with, and insights gained from, using modern techniques of biodiversity research in marine ecosystems.
The use of Environmental DNA (eDNA) is increasingly applied within molecular biology for the detection of species based on DNA-traces left behind in the environment. In this session, we want to explore the technical advancements made, and hear all about the hands-on applications of the concept.
Subsession 1: Aquatic Biodiversity and Stock Assessment: Genetics and Computational Methods
Hosted by Yassine Kasmi
Technological progress in high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics has raised questions about the necessity of continuing with invasive methods for biodiversity and single species stock assessments in aquatic habitats. This subchapter aims to highlight applied molecular and computational biology methods as well as bio-modelling to solve these questions.
Subsession 2: eDNA approaches to ecological questions
Hosted by Paulina Urban, Lara Jansen & Anna Joelle Greife
The concept of eDNA can be applied to activities within ecosystem surveillance, monitoring or conservation. This subchapter focuses on WHERE, WHEN and WHY eDNA is used, including, but not limited to fields like fisheries management, population dynamics, modelling, invasive species detection, studies on aDNA, nsDNA or iDNA and more!
Hosted by Jena Edwards & Eleanor Greenway
In aquatic ecosystems, observations of individual animal behaviours are limited by factors such as broad-scale habitat connectivity, study site inaccessibility, and physical properties including extremes in ambient pressure, temperature, and light levels. By employing biotelemetry, numerous approaches are now available for capturing individual movement behaviours remotely and for extended periods, providing insight into broader ecological consequences related to species distributions, migratory patterns, and habitat use. This session aims to explore all aspects of aquatic animal movement ranging from long-distance movements to diel vertical migrations and fine-scale behaviours to better understand the links between individual behaviours, population dynamics, and community-level processes.
3 Insights into a changing ocean
Changing conditions and their effects across on biological communities
Hosted by Christian Simeoni & Fabiola Espinoza
Marine coastal ecosystems play a central role in maintaining healthy marine regions. However, cumulative impacts arising from multiple pressures are threatening their ecological conditions and the services they provide, decreasing their ability to response to impacts such as climate change. Therefore, unravelling the climate change-biodiversity-ecosystem services nexus, paying attention to both environmental and socio-economic dimensions is a priority for researchers. This session invites presentations on methods and applications from various field of studies, exploring how integrated frameworks and models can expand our current knowledge on this nexus, and, guide ecosystem-based practices to both address and adapt to climate change.
Hosted by Selma Mezger & Johanna Berlinghof
(Sub-)tropical coastal waters are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems, providing various ecosystem services and sustaining human well-being. However, coastal ecosystems, like coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and mangrove forests are impacted by local and global environmental stressors (e.g., climate change, eutrophication, overfishing). Understanding their ecological and biogeochemical responses to environmental changes is key and can ultimately help to inform managers, policymakers, and stakeholders as a step towards better conservation and restoration. We welcome presentations on all kinds of (sub-) tropical coastal ecosystems to discuss and learn about the impacts of changing environments.
Hosted by Magda Cardozo & Anabel von Jackowski
Global climate change, increasing temperatures and pollution affect the health of the oceans with distinct effects on marine systems on multiple scales. Tracking the ecological and physicochemical impacts of environmental change might be monitored better if we coordinate global observing systems more cohesively. This includes better coordination, standard practices and harmonised outputs across observatories. Long-term studies are key to detect comprehensive indicators and generate valuable assessments. In this session we aim to bring together transdisciplinary research working on bioindicators of the Global Ocean’s health and on coordinated efforts. We invite researchers from multiple disciplines and all career stages, but early career researchers are especially encouraged.
Hosted by Antonia Uthoff, Linda Rehder & Jasmin Stimpfle
Marine primary producers play a fundamental role within oceanic ecosystems. Not only do they form the base of marine energy flux and provide half the atmosphere’s oxygen, they furthermore contribute significantly to major biogeochemical cycles and thus carbon export. Due to global change, they are partially facing drastic alterations of their habitat in terms of temperature, nutrient availability, pH and salinity. Especially in extreme environments such as polar regions, the tropics, intertidal systems, and estuaries, primary producers could be pushed beyond their limits. We encourage all scientists working on marine primary producers – from algae to seagrass – to join our session.
Hosted by Annabell Klinke & Svea Vollstedt
Species are on the move because of human-mediated climate change, shifting their distribution (generally) poleward at regional to global scales. This, in turn, alters ecosystem structures, functions, and services with consequences for human well-being. Species redistribution dramatically affects fisheries and socioecological systems worldwide, yet leaving some more vulnerable than others (i.e., Small Island Developing States). Therefore, we invite presenters from natural and social sciences to advance our knowledge on the challenges generated by climate-driven species redistribution. We welcome abstract submissions from studies filling knowledge gaps related to climate change effects on marine species, communities, ecosystems, or socioecological systems.
Hosted by Erik Sulanke
Climate change is undoubtedly the greatest challenge humanity is facing in modern times. It will alter the world’s oceans’ chemistry, physics, and biology, which will have cascading effects on all marine ecosystems. Millions of humans worldwide depend on the services those ecosystems provide, be it in the form of food, oxygen, protection, or employment. We call for dedicated young marine scientists who use state-of-the-art approaches to explore, predict, and model the effects climate change will or might have on the marine ecosystem with special respect to human use forms and socio-ecological interactions.
Hosted by Sonja Ehlers & Mánus Cunningham
Recently, novel microplastic sources such as ship paint contamination have been identified. These polymer-based paints have been recorded in the relatively pristine environment of Antarctica, from the surface waters of the Weddell Sea to the depths of the South Sandwich Trench, and in rocky intertidal gastropods from the North Sea, Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean. Furthermore, novel plastic pollution types (‘plasticrusts’, ‘pyroplastics’ and ‘plastiglomerates’) which were recently identified may become part of the future sedimentary record. We welcome you to submit an abstract on novel plastic sources and types and join us at ICYMARE Bremerhaven 2022.
4 Ecosystem dynamics
Ecological and physiological transformation of ecosystems and organismal interactions
Hosted by Kara Engelhardt & Jana Vetter
Oceans harbour a variety of ecosystems inhabited by a wide range of organisms. From competition, over predator-prey to symbiotic relationships, they interact and communicate in multiple ways, forming a complex interaction network. Interactions can occur via direct contact or mediated by the surrounding water. Understanding these relationships and their underlying processes is crucial for conservation efforts. This session wants to bring together lines of research that investigate relationships of organisms on the holobiont, species, or ecosystem level. We look forward to all research that deals with interactions between marine organisms and studies which investigate changes in interactions through anthropogenic stressors.
Hosted by Ronen Liberman & Jessica Bellworthy
Coral reefs are the most biodiverse and economically important marine ecosystems worldwide. However, due to anthropogenic pressures, present day reefs are undergoing immense changes in species’ abundance and community composition, which are likely to influence future coral generations, the myriad of organisms they support, and the services these ecosystems provide. This session aims to bring together researchers working to elucidate the past, present, and future dynamics and ecology of coral reef regions around the world. We are seeking to incorporate a wide range of techniques at every organizational level from molecular to ecosystem functioning.
Hosted by Celina Burkholz & Philipp-Konrad Schaetzle
Marine macrophytes are hosts to individual microbial communities on their leaves, roots, and other compartments of the plant. The relationship between host and microbes is complex, and the host‘s fitness and performance can either benefit or suffer from this relationship. Additionally, the microbial community can greatly vary with changing environmental conditions and other surrounding factors, which in turn has varying impacts on the host. This session invites scientists to present their findings on the relationship between marine macrophytes and microbial communities and the resulting effects on the host organism and microbiome.
Hosted by Nina Krebs
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survive. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” (Charles Darwin). Today, the climate is changing fast and all organisms have to adapt to increasing temperature, acidic enriched oceans and lower oxygen level otherwise they will get extinct. What are the strategies and mechanisms of marine animals to cope with climate change? The session will examine this question from the perspective of ecological and physiological mechanisms of marine organisms facing elevated temperature, hypercapnia and/or hypoxia.
Hosted by Florian Stahl & Lea Kappas
Marine forests characterized by large brown macroalgae, also known as kelp forests, are known for their role as ecosystem engineers. They provide habitat and shelter, food, and protect the coastlines by slowing down waves and currents. Furthermore, kelp forest ecosystems are socio-economically important as they provide jobs and income in many parts of the world. In recent years, kelps have gained more attention as a source of blue carbon. This session welcomes all studies related to kelps and other macroalgae – be it their ecology, physiology, the ecosystem services they provide, or their utilization and restoration efforts
Hosted by Fedor Lishchenko & Andrew Balashov
Tropical coastal ecosystems are an iconic example of rich and complex but vulnerable marine habitat. Complexity and delicacy of linkages between coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove forests left the whole system exposed to modern threats, such as global warming, introduction of invasive species, overexploitation and pollution. There is an urgent need to develop old and implement new approaches to research of tropical coastal ecosystems, to support its conservation and rational exploitation. Do You have suggestions on how to fulfil this goal? Then join us and share your vision!
5 An ocean full of numbers
Maths and Physics in ocean science to observe and understand complex environmental systems and ecological datasets
Hosted by Ellen Oldenburg
Communities of various trophic levels are central elements of marine ecosystems. Strongly influenced by the environment, they exhibit pronounced regional and temporal variability. A profound understanding of their dynamics is essential to predict the fate of future marine habitats and to provide a wider range of future scenarios for marine ecosystem functionality and services. Current descriptive analyses alone are insufficient to understand microbiome composition and interactions. For this session, we invite contributions employing statistical, computational, and mathematical approaches to analyse complex dynamic environmental data, aiming at increasing our understanding of complex marine ecosystems and predicting the expected effects of, e.g. global climate change.
Hosted by Hannah Niehaus & Linda Thielke
Sea ice is a very fascinating, but also complex component of the polar climate system. There are numerous linkages between the physical processes of the ice and the other components of the polar climate system. Ice dynamics as well as heat exchange and light transmittance influence the atmosphere, ocean and ecology depending on the season. With a combination of observations, satellite measurements and modelling we can gain a better understanding of the processes related to sea ice in polar regions. This is important especially in a warming climate as the polar climate also influences other parts of the Earth.
Hosted by Emelie Breunig & Luciana Villa Castrillón
People of all ages and cultures dream about living within sight of the ocean. Globally, between 50-60% of the world’s population live at the coastlines, and relevant infrastructure is positioned there. However, in the last century, the rising sea level led to unprecedented changes. With more frequent extreme weather events such as storm surges, societies at the coast are one of the most vulnerable groups in a changing climate. Is it still possible to stop sea-level rise? To answer that, we invite you to participate in our session and investigate with us the mechanisms of sea-level rise.
Hosted by Nicolas Dettling & Simon Felix Reifenberg
Eddies and internal waves are prominent dynamic features transferring energy from the large-scale ocean circulation to small scales, where they can drive intense mixing. They thereby shape the local dynamics and stratification, as well as the transport of passive tracers like nutrients or pollutants. Many questions still remain about the generation, distribution and impact of ocean mixing, requiring innovative approaches from many marine science disciplines. We therefore invite contributions from all researchers interested in describing, observing or modelling small-scale oceanic motions that lead to ocean mixing, and its impacts
Hosted by Finn Heukamp & Zerlina Hofmann
In our changing climate, polar regions are particularly affected. Sea ice cover in the Arctic is rapidly declining, oceanic heat transport is changing and the Arctic Ocean is becoming subject to novel environmental conditions. A thorough understanding of the large-scale circulation, associated (sub)mesoscale processes such as eddies, fronts or filaments in the ocean, and their impact on heat transport, ice melt, and biology are essential for future projections of Arctic climate. In this session we invite contributions from observational and model studies, studying the processes, mechanisms, and changes of the Arctic Ocean.
6 Innovative Technologies
New technologies for and from ocean science
Hosted by Inês Moutinho Cabral & Cátia Gonçalves
The oceans hold a tremendous biodiversity, withstanding an immense span of natural products that may be translated into multiple biotechnological applications: therapeutical drugs, cosmetics, pesticides, fuels, biomaterials, feed and supplements. They can constitute a safer, cost-effective and more eco-friendly solution than the complex process of producing synthetic compounds. Also, it contributes to shift between deleterious exploitations of the seas towards “green-industry”. Recently, this area has been attracting growing enthusiasm among young marine researchers. Therefore, we kindly encourage ICYMARE participants to contribute and share their research on Marine Biotechnology as we expect to discuss novel approaches, methodology and prospective biotechnological applications.
Hosted by Noah Becker & Max Anders
Autonomous and remotely operated vehicles are becoming more influential as research platforms for ocean sciences, the industry, and other applications. This trend emerging from better lasting cells for electrical energy, or the new development of microelectronics and sensors provides an attractive field for young engineers. Apart from a large variety of AUVs and ROVs available on the marked or self-made, there are multiple different approaches to collecting data underwater. In this session, we would also love to learn about your ideas on sensors and systems one can use on such a platform. Professionals, researchers and graduates from different backgrounds get the chance to present their own ideas and involve others in a constructive discussion.
7 Open Session
If you think your research is not fitting to one of our sessions, feel free to submit your abstract to our open session.