About the Conference

The “International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers – ICYMARE” is organized voluntarily by and for young marine researchers. The conference is an event of the “Bremen Society for Natural Sciences”. Additionally, we get organizational support by the hosting marine science universities and institutes which will change yearly among northern Germany.

Here, we would like to show you, how this bottom-up approach works and how you can get involved to contribute to this great annual conference event.

1. Call for Sessions


In winter, a Call for Sessions is published. It calls single persons or groups of two to apply for hosting a session at the upcoming ICYMARE conference. These people can basically be anyone as long as they are well involved in the research field they are applying with. ICYMARE is open to any research field within the marine sciences, may it be biology, geology, social sciences, or history and law.

The core organization team reviews all applications, brings together people with similar research fields and compiles a list with all topical sessions for the upcoming ICYMARE conference. With the size of our conference (about 300 people) we cannot choose more than 20 different sessions.

YOU as a session host are handling the incoming presentation abstracts of the people applying to your session. You give an order to the presentations, give suggestions for improvement of the abstracts and moderate the session during the conference.

Furthermore, you are invited to submit a manuscript to the Research Topic “ICYMARE – Early Career Researchers in Marine Science” of the open access online journal Frontiers in Marine Science. This Research Topic aims to showcase what marine early career researchers related to ICYMARE are working on. Thus, you are invited to submit any article type, may it be a review, original research, or something else, as long as the topic is related to your ICYMARE session. Check out the already published articles here.

2. Call for Abstracts


This is your chance, if you want to present a poster or a talk or both. In April/May, the Call for Abstracts will be published. This call includes all sessions which applied during the Call for Sessions and which got approved. You choose a fitting session from the list for which you apply with your presentation. If nothing really fits, there is always an Open Session were all topics are welcome to be presented.

You prepare your presentation abstract according to the Submission Guidelines and send it to moc.e1743459392ramyc1743459392i@tca1743459392rtsba1743459392. After a pre-screening, the submissions will be forwarded to the session hosts who will further handle your abstract, probably give suggestions for improvement and moderate your session during the conference.

Your abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts prior to the conference which is a detailed program book to explore what people are going to present. Moreover, your abstract will be published in the appendix of the conference book (see above) which will be published after the conference.

It’s worth it to be well prepared. There will be some awards for the best talks and posters of early career participants (so no PostDocs are included in the awards lists, sorry). Everyone has the opportunity to vote for their favorites. And among all voters, there will be an additional award to be raffled.

3. There is more than posters and talks

We will not only see poster and oral presentations during each ICYMARE edition. You also have the opportunity to give voice to your opinion at a plenary discussion. You can choose from a variety of interesting workshops and excursions on Thursday afternoon. And on the last day, you will have everybody’s attention during the Project Pitches where you can present and advertise your blog, your project or whatever else you feel everybody should know about. But above all, the plan is to meet people to share your science and ideas with, to network and have fun. There is always a bar night and post-conference clubbing which, we are sure, many of you also are looking forward to.

4. Not enough ICYMARE yet?

ICYMARE is a completely bottom-up organized conference. During the whole planning process and especially during the conference itself you are always welcome to help. Prior to the conference, people are planning the icebreaker event, workshops, excursions, and so on. During the conference in Bremen, tasks range from helping at the registration desk, technical support during the sessions, preparing coffee, and much more. There are lots of things to do and you are always welcome to become a member of the organizing team. Drop a mail to moc.e1743459392ramyc1743459392i@oll1743459392eh1743459392 if you want to get involved.

ICYMARE is starting at zero with its conference budget.

We finance the whole conferences by your fees and by financial support by our sponsors and partners.

If you want to become sponsor or to donate to ICYMARE,
please contact
