Picture © CityInitiative Bremen Werbung e.V.


ICYMARE goes public! - Bring your science to the people

This year, ICYMARE is part or the “Maritime Week Bremen”, an annual public event about all marine research and technological developments in and around the city of Bremen.

In this context, ICYMARE and the Bremen Society for Natural Sciences organize two events as a platform for all marine early career researchers who would like to engage with the public.

We would like to invite you to be part of these events, independent of whether you are participating in this year’s ICYMARE conference or not.

  1. Exploring together: The Power of Citizen Science

    This evening event in the “House of Science Bremen” (“Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen”) is dedicated to your Citizen Science projects! You can present and advertise your project, its results, and how people can participate in your project in a brief public presentation. This is then followed by a plenum discussion which tackles more overarching questions how the public can help to create meaningful scientific output. We look forward to hear about exciting projects and your inspiration!

    Thursday, 19 September 2024, 7 pm, free entrance

  2. Science to the people! ICYMARE at the Marine Science Walk Bremen 2024

    The weekend of the “Maritime Week Bremen” is always reserved for research! At the riverside of the Bremen river “Weser”, many research institutions will represent their science. Every institution will have a tent for setting up a small exhibition, small experiments, interactive activities, etc. (see the picture at the top!). There is also space around each tent to place larger items. ICYMARE and the Bremen Society for Natural Science want to highlight the next generation of scientists and therefore provide one of these tents as a platform for you to engage with the interested public. You want to show a large algae, how do you sample with a certain device or a small experiment? No problem! Let us know what you would like to present, and we will try to make it possible!

    Saturday & Sunday, 21 & 22 September 2024, 10 am – 6 pm, free entrance

Interested? Tell us about your project or what you would like to display at the Marine Science Walk by sending the info template to moc.e1729229552ramyc1729229552i@vwn1729229552.

Deadline: 22 July 2024