Meet the ICYMARE 2019 BREMEN awardees and their topics for best talks and posters! Congratulations again, you did amazing jobs!
Each awardee was presented a book voucher provided by our partner Springer Nature and a nice certificate.

In the picture (from left to right): Simon Jungblut, Claudia Meneses, Ramón Alejandro Plazas Gómez, Luka Seamus Wright, Arianna Liconti, Eva Paulus, Viola Liebich
- Nils Hutter (Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, Germany):
Breaking the ice: What sea-ice models need to learn from Broccoli to better predict climate change - Ramón Alejandro Plazas Gómez (University of Bremen, Germany):
Otolith shape analysis (OSA) as a tool for population identification of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the Colombian Caribbean - Arianna Liconti (University of Plymouth, United Kingdom):
A Multisource Approach to Prioritise Conservation of Gorgonian Forests in Italian Coastal Waters
- Luka Seamus Wright (University of Plymouth, United Kingdom):
Sequestration of carbon from Laminaria kelp forests may be diminished in a warmer climate - Eva Paulus (University of Groningen, Netherlands):
Origin of deep-sea hydrothermal vent copepods along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - Claudia Meneses (Ghent University, Belgium):
Global patterns of seaweed species diversity