Nice memories about the huge ICYMARE family at the beginning of the week. Here’s a little retrospect which we made for our partners, the press and other interested institutions.
Thanks to all contributors ofICYMARE 2019 BREMEN(24 -27 September 2019)

ICYMARE 2019 BREMEN started off with an Icebreaker evening at MARUM, where 180 participants already got to know each other. The plenary discussion at the University of Bremen next morning was led by Peter Benham (Master student of the IMBRSea program) and paved the way for that easy-to-talk-to but nevertheless professional atmosphere ICYMARE is aiming for.
The panelists Julia Jung, Rosa Maria Canedo Apolaya, Justin Tierney, and Thomas Sanborn discussed together with the audience of about 300 people if scientists should be more activist. About the role and responsibility towards society, some really differentiated thoughts were expressed. When the audience was asked to describe in one word the kind of scientist they want to be, two words stood out: “marine” and “honest”, while when being asked by the end of the conference “active” was in the center.
On Friday morning, Prof. Dr. Sheila Heymans, the Executive Director of the European Marine Board (EMB) gave an inspiring keynote, supported by MARUM’s Dr. Luzie Schnieders, on career advice and gender aspects in science. The following discussion showed one more time the importance of having the opportunity to not only share scientific ideas at eye level but also to discuss how to eliminate discrimination of any kind in science and embrace diversity.
More than 350 participants, and among those about 40 volunteers, enjoyed presenting and discussing their science and plenty of network opportunities during one of the four days and 20 sessions, 11 workshops, as well as evening events. For many it was the first conference experience and presenting their research was even more exciting.
We are very proud of each of you, you did a great job! Keep up the spirit and see you next year at ICYMARE 2020 BREMERHAVEN (25 – 28 August 2020).