ICYMARE 2019 BREMEN is happy to have its icebreaker event in the impressive foyer of the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences MARUM. We are also glad to get organizational support from the Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences GLOMAR, which is a part of MARUM.



At MARUM, re­search­ers are sup­por­ted in all as­pects of their re­search and at all stages of their ca­reer. We provide an ideal environment for early career researchers to become excellent in their field of expertise and to develop their personal skills to further their career. At the same time, we of­fer plenty of op­por­tun­it­ies for trans­dis­cip­lin­ary ex­change and col­lab­or­a­tion across dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines in mar­ine sci­ences. Re­search­ers at MARUM be­ne­fit from ex­cel­lent lab fa­cil­it­ies and in­fra­struc­ture in­clud­ing mar­ine tech­no­lo­gies. Well-renowned and ex­per­i­enced sci­ent­ists are teach­ers and ment­ors for the next gen­er­a­tion.

The Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences – GLOMAR is part of MARUM. The graduate school hosts more than 100 PhD students from different fields of marine sciences. It is open to all those who aim for a doctoral degree from the University of Bremen or the Jacobs University in Bremen. Our members come from 28 different countries and their research fields range from the natural to the social, political and legal sciences. They work at one of the Universities, at MARUM, but also at our partner institutions AWI, MPI Bremen, and ZMT.

GLOMAR offers the usual graduate school portfolio with team supervision, training courses, research seminars, PhD Days and other formats to support interaction of the PhD students and transdisciplinary exchange. A funding programme supports GLOMAR members to gain international experience with research stays and conferences and to pursue their work as a scientist while raising a family.

GLOMAR was established in 2006. Since then, more than 150 PhD students have graduated successfully. We have an active alumni network and often invite former GLOMAR members to share their experiences with their next career steps that followed the PhD. The graduate school is integrated into a network of marine science graduate programmes in the region in and around Bremen through which GLOMAR members are supported in participating in activities and networking with PhD students from AWI, HIFMB, ICBM, MPI Bremen, the University of Oldenburg, and ZMT.

Contact: ed.mu1741776830ram@r1741776830eerac1741776830-ylra1741776830e1741776830